Day Two

Jun 08, 2011 01:37

 Title: Day Two (DZ 5)
Author: Mshorr
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Shopping trips and breakfast.
Warnings: Language 
Disclaimer: Not mine.

Will spent his morning doing research. Desperately clicking through page after page of Ohio law. He nearly wept with relief at the realization that he’d done nothing illegal. He wasn’t going to end up in prison, but he could still lose his job and reputation. Even if it had seemed worth it at the time.

His mind kept lingering over what had happened the day before. It seemed as though it couldn’t be real.

When Finn’s leg brushed against his Will had known that he should pull away. It had been so long though. So long since anyone had touched him. Since he’d felt another persons body heat warming him. He’d thought that maybe, just this once, he could do something just because he wanted to.

When Finn didn’t pull away Will just allowed himself a moment to enjoy it. To just take the unspoken connection and feel less alone for that moment.

If he’d known what was coming after he probably would have stopped it. Sure he found Finn attractive, more that attractive really, but he wouldn’t have taken advantage of the younger man.

When Finn’s foot started running up and down his leg he nearly did stop it. Then filthy words started pouring from that goofy grin and he was gone. There had been no way he was going to be able to stop anything at that point.

He remembered being struck by the contradiction. This was Finn Hudson, likely the kindest and most soft spoken person he’d ever met, telling Will he wanted to be fucked. To be taken hard by his teacher while other students walked the locker room a few feet away. Telling Will every secret fantasy he’d ever had of the two of them. When the teen had started to describe the way he finger-fucked himself while thinking about Will the teacher had had to grip the table edge to keep from launching himself at the younger man.

He was hard again just from thinking about it. He considered jacking off and discarded the idea immediately. If he was going to act responsibly around Finn he was going to have to stop thinking about him sexually. Wanking while thinking about him wasn’t going to help with that.

His new found resolution lasted about half the drive to work. He had stopped for coffee at a grocery store. When he pulled out his wallet to pay he noticed the faded ring imprint from the condom he’d stored in there before his last date with Emma. Wishful thinking on his part.

That got him wondering if condoms could expire. He was pretty sure that they did. It certainly wouldn’t be responsible to keep an old condom in his wallet. He’d seen enough pregnancy drama in the past year with the kids. Not that he could knock Finn up and fuck... He wasn’t supposed to be thinking about Finn like that.

He figured that it was better to be prepared for his future dates. With women. Who were his age. Who also weren’t six-and-a-half feet tall quarterbacks with a thing for eighties rock. So he walked the store until he found the condom section. He grabbed his the first standard sized box that he saw and started to walk away.

Then he remembered what Finn had said yesterday about his... ummm, equipment. It wasn’t appropriate, not by a long shot, but if the boy was bringing off his teachers in the high school library maybe it was a good idea to make sure that he was prepared in case something else happened.

So he walked back to the condoms and grabbed a box of larges and one of extra-larges. He looked at the ones labeled magnum briefly and then took them too. Who knew what Finn had meant by huge after all.

Will now had four boxes of condoms cradled in his right arm and a cup of coffee in his left hand. He realized that this likely wouldn’t look right to most people. He walked to front of the store hoping that no one thought he was headed to a caffeine fueled orgy. He would take that over them figuring out that he was buying condoms for his seventeen year old student any day though.

He grabbed a basket and started walking through the aisles again. The whole “water as lube” thing was nice as a fantasy but wouldn’t be all that great in real life. So he grabbed a tube of K.Y. and added it to the basket. He also threw in a bottle of Lubriderm. He was going through it much quicker that usual the last few days. He didn’t know if the locker-room showers would still have hot water during the Summer so he tossed a pack of wet wipes into the basket. Spot cleanup would be better than a freezing cold shower any day.

If the showers were running hot it would be nice to clean off there though. He didn’t have any bathing supplies at work though. He moved through the housewares section and picked up two bath towels. One green for himself. One with Frankenstein’s monster printed on it for Finn.

He nearly sprinted back to the personal care section when he realized that he didn’t have deodorant at work. He picked up his usual stick and then grabbed a bundled axe deodorant and body spray for Finn. That was what teenagers were wearing now right? He grabbed a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo as well. Hopefully Finn wouldn’t mind sharing.

Satisfied with his personal purchases he went on to pick up some things for his classroom. It wasn’t until he had picked up a package of pens for his desk and a new can of coffee for the teachers lounge that he realized he’d just picked up all the supplies needed for a clandestine fuck with Finn.

Apparently his plan to not think about Finn sexually just meant that he was going to do it without realizing that he was.

That was the point in time when Will gave up trying to be the good guy. Life had shat on him for the past two years. He’d found out that his wife was a lying bitch who tried to manipulate him to keep him in a loveless marriage. She’d helped the kids make it to Nationals with those tickets, and yeah he’d been kind of hard on her when he found out about the not-baby. But she’d lost what tattered remains of his love she’d had when Quinn had admitted that Terri had asked her to give up her baby to them.

He’d long ago come to realization that nothing was ever going to happen with Emma. She’d really just been a replacement for the baby he didn’t have. Someone he could help and protect. He wanted to heal her, not date her. So there was another year of his life gone on an empty cause.

If you’d asked him in high school where he would be at this age he would have responded “Broadway” without thinking. Instead he was here. In Lima fucking Ohio. The biggest Lima loser of them all.

So he made his decision. He was going to do what he wanted for once. Screw the consequences.

He was going to fuck Finn or be fucked by him. There really didn’t seem to be any other alternative at this point other than quit his job and flee the state. He knew that the second Finn gave him that lop-sided grin that he was going to be all over that boy like Sue on a sign of weakness.

So instead of continuing to drill teaching ethics into himself he began to plan. There would be plenty of time for Will to hate himself later after all.

His planning session went splendidly until the cashier who was ringing him up made a sound like she was choking on her tongue. He looked up quickly hoping that she was just holding back a sneeze or something. Will wasn’t anywhere near that lucky though.

There, looking at him with wide eyes, was Santana Lopez. She was also blushing hard enough to nearly match her red dress-code vest. Without thinking he reacted to her embarrassment.

“Hey Santana, you doing alright there?”

Her flush faded quickly and was replaced by a mocking grin.

“Sorry Mr. Schue. I just didn’t think that having a summer job would mean selling gang-bang supplies to my glee club teacher.”

Will felt like his stomach was trying to crawl out of his throat.

“Ummm... I suppose it would be counter-productive to ask you to keep this to yourself then?”

She laughed her familiar hard-edged laugh.

“Nah, we’re good. I’m a bitch but I don’t out people. You got a hot date tonight? Or dates by the look of all this.”

Will was wondering how he could be uncomfortable with one student joking about his private life while he was planning to fuck another. He figured that he was safe enough though. Santana was, as she’d said, a bitch. But she wasn’t evil.

“Sort of, yeah. Just, could we never talk about his again? Ever?”

“I can do that for you Schue. Just make sure you throw Brit a couple of solos next year.”

“Done. Thanks Santana.”

“Oh, and Schue?”

Will gave a little nod, encouraging her to continue.

“I know what it’s like to not be able to hold hands with person you love in public and shit like that. It hurts, but love is totally worth it. It kind of has to be for people like us.”

He smiled and paid. He really didn’t know what she was getting at. Maybe she’d been spending too much time with Brittany again. With one last wave he took his cart from the bag boy and headed toward the door.

If you’d asked him the day before he would have said that being blackmailed by a student would be a horrible experience. He was chuckling as he left the store though. It was sort of par for the course with Santana.

He wouldn’t understand what she’d said until later that afternoon. When he did it would change his entire life. Laying waste to every plan he’d ever made and replacing them with something better. He didn’t know it yet, but in that moment Santana had understood him better than anyone else had before.


Santana smiled at her next customer and started ringing up items while thinking furiously. She’d known that Mr. Schue was into guys for a little while. When that Bryan Ryan guy had been around there may as well have been a giant, “We’ve Fucked” banner flying above the two.
It had been obvious that Ryan had hurt Mr. Schue as well. It seemed like everyone he loved did eventually. If she hadn’t seen it with Bryan Ryan though the way that Mr. Schue had looked at hot dentist Carl would have. She had even looked at him and she didn’t swing that way though. The man was blazin’ hot. She even thought that she remembered Finn saying something about him being too perfect and sounding a little jealous and... and... oh sweet lord.


Finn and summer school.

Finn and summer school and daddy issues.

Mr. Schue and condoms.

Mr. Schue and an assortment of large condoms.

Mr. Schue and his condoms and, what had to be, a desire to be intimate with someone who would never hurt him.

Finn and his giant cock and jealousy and Mr. Schue with his large condoms and little bottle of lube.

She laughed and tossed a quick wish to the universe that the teacher would be able to walk tomorrow. He deserved someone great, and Finn was certainly that. Not that you’d ever hear her say that to anyone ever. She had a rep to maintain after all.

She kind of thought that if two people that nice did it it could only end in two ways. Boring as hell, or hot as fuck. Seeing as they already had the whole forbidden fruit hot-for-teacher thing on their side she was kind of worried that they’d both burst into flames when they got around to it.

She felt like dancing.


Finn was dancing along to the songs playing on his I-pod. The aisles of the store were pretty much empty this morning. He was going to be cutting it close to being late but he had some things that he needed to pick up. He knew that Mr. Schue was going to try to have a serious talk with him later. He was hoping to divert the older man with songs for next year and dance moves he’d gleaned from Youtube that morning.

Not that he was the best dancer in New Directions, but he tried hard. Just before the Nationals a month before Mr. Schue had shown him how to do that thing with his hips that made Rachel’s eyes go soft and needy every time she saw it.

He was much better at dancing than anyone realized. If he let them know Mr. Schue wouldn’t touch him to move his legs or shoulders anymore. He always did the hip thing right though. One day it might make Mr. Schue’s eyes go soft and heated with need too. Finn wanted to see that more than anything. He could feel the strength of his want in his stomach like a muscle cramp. A need so desperate that not having it was like holding your breath for too long.

He knew that he could make Mr. Schue cum, but anyone could make a man cum. He wanted to be the one that Mr. Schue thought of every time he came. That was a little bit harder to pull off.

Finn knew that he should be more freaked out by what he was planning, but he was teenager. He was supposed to be impulsive. At least that’s what he kept on telling himself. He looked briefly over the boxes in front of him and wondered what size to get. He got standard. Mr. Schue hadn’t felt as big as he himself was under his foot, but he’d felt perfect. There was no box labeled perfect so standard it was. He briefly mused about perfection being subjective, a word he’d learned from Puck surprisingly enough, as he grabbed a box of extra-large as well. He didn’t know if he’d end up on top or on the bottom so he figured he should be prepared for both.

Finn laughed a little at the older woman glaring daggers at him as she grabbed some razors at random and took off like he was planning on ravaging her right there. Really, who the hell was surprised at teenagers buying condoms anymore?

Deciding that he was fully prepared he ran to the front and snagged an energy drink on his way to the register. He hadn’t slept all that well the night before. Which was surprising mostly. Usually jerking off put him right out. Last night it had been like trying to scratch an itch that he couldn’t reach.

He grabbed a tabloid off the rack and started reading about the newest adventures of Bat-boy while the line slowly moved forward. No one came into it behind him and he was glad for that. He hated people reaching over his shoulder.

He was just realizing that he was at the front of the line when a small olive toned hand ribbed out one of his ear buds and a familiar voice screamed out “Finn” loud enough to be heard the next county over.

He looked up briefly to confirm his suspicion and smiled brightly.

“Hey Santana, I didn’t know that you worked here.”

She gave him a slightly mocking look before replying.

“I didn’t until a few weeks ago. I’m working here over the summer to save up some money for next year.”
He nodded at her pleasantly and saw her finger jabbing at his purchases.

“So, either you’ve grown a second one Finn, in which case I’m making you an appointment with my dad, or you’ve got a hot date. Which is it.”

He stood there doing a rather impressive impression of a cod until he came up with a response.

“Ummm... they’re for Puck?”

“No they aren’t Finn. No lying to Tia Tana. Don’t worry I won’t out you to anyone.”

“No! I’m not... I mean yeah, he’s a guy but... I don’t think that I am. I don’t know though cause I see him and I want...”

“Whoa! Slow your roll there Frankenteen. I’ve been here since four o’clock in the god-damned morning and it’s time for my lunch, we’ll talk over food.”

Finn found himself nodding at the thought of food until he remembered school.

“I can’t Santana. I have to go to school, I’ll be late already.”

She gave him a look he couldn’t read at that.

“Don’t be so hasty dude. We’re going to talk. You’re to scared of me to say no anyway. I’ll write you a note for Mr. Schuester.”

“How did you know I had Spanish?”

Finn was confused at how the conversation was going.

“I just do. Not stop whining and buy me a breakfast burrito.”

Finn nodded and she tossed her apron under the counter. Santana turned to an older guy working behind her and said, “Hey Dave, going to lunch. Be back whenever.”

The other guy laughed and snarked back, “Just don’t break that poor boy Tana.”

She smirked at him. “I won’t, it’s more fun to stand here and watch you slowly loose more hair anyway.”

Finn shook his head in bewilderment and asked Santana if she was ready. She was.

Finn found that Santana was surprisingly nice when you weren’t dating her or losing your virginity to her. Thinking about that made him nervous so he asked just to check.

“This isn’t a date right? Not that I wouldn’t date you. It’s much nicer than that time that I took you and Brittany to Breadstix. I’m just curious.”

Santana laughed into her massive breakfast burrito.

“No Goliath it’s not a date. I just have to talk to you about some things.”

He nodded. He might be slow but he knew that she was going to ask about the condoms and all that eventually.

“So Finn, have you ever actually done anything with a guy before.”

He blushed to the roots of his hair. If it had been anyone else he wouldn’t have answered. Maybe Puck but he wasn’t even sure about that. Santana would cut him if he left her curiosity unsatisfied though.

“Umm... Kind of. I mean we played footsie and I said some stuff. I kinda used my foot to... you know. He liked it I think.”


Santana sat absolutely still. She’d thought that Finn and Schue must have been going at it for months. Finding out that it was just happening now was kind of cute. Also worrying.

“Do you, know what you’re doing and all” She asked.

“I guess. I mean, I had that time with you and I watch videos sometimes.”

Santana watched Finn blush for a second before her normal impatience took over.

“Okay, just sit there and shut up for a second. I’m going to give you a lesson in man-on-man lovin’ so listen up.”

The terrified and semi-aroused looks on his face through her explanation made it worth using her lunch hour as a sexy-ed class. Once she’d reached the end she wrote him a note for Mr. Schue and made him promise not to read it.

Once he’d sworn not to she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and told him to get to school. She gave him a little wave as he pulled out of the parking lot.

This time she did dance.

Will was surprised and relieved when Finn walked in 45 minutes late. He figured that the boy was embarrassed or had decided that he wasn’t going to come back to class. Instead Finn gave him a quick smile and handed him a note while apologizing for being late.

He flipped it open and read through it quickly.

Mr. Schue (Or should I say Mr. Robinson),

Sorry for keeping your boy-toy for so long. I needed company for my breakfast. I also needed to teach him how to have anal sex without accidentally murdering you. You’re welcome for that by the way. I think between the two of you you’ve bought every box of condoms we had in stock. Don’t worry by the way. Your secret is safe with me. I just want you both to be happy. Strange as that may seem. I think the two of you will actually be good for each other. I do reserve the right to mock you both in private for the rest of my life though. You should probably tell him to call you Will outside of school. He nearly died trying not to say Mr. Schue. No he didn’t tell me about you by the way. I’m just awesome like that.

Good luck and remember to relax and bear down,

P.S. I will press one of you for juicy details later. Just remember that if I have to go to him he’ll crack like an egg and tell me everything. S.L.

P.P.S. Didn’t know you had a thing for feet. S.L.

Will crumpled the note and stuck it in his pocket. This was swiftly becoming the strangest day of his life and he hadn’t even talked to Finn yet.

fanwork: fanfic, rating: nc17, fanwork: fanart

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