fic: It's Just a Little Crush

Nov 25, 2009 20:47

It's Just a Little Crush...
Pairing: Will/Finn (Winn)
Warnings: AU for Ballad, slash.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: about 1,400
Summary: Will can’t get Rachel out of his house, and his wife isn’t helping much. He calls reinforcements, aka Finn.
Disclaimer: Yeah, right. I wish.
Spoilers: Ballad.

A/N: I wrote this before the episode, and touched it up afterwards. Just imagine Will was scared to be alone in the car with Rachel...if I were him, I would have been.

Finn is a little uncomfortable with Kurt as close as he is. He appreciates the help and everything, but he doesn’t need to be right behind him. There is only one person he wants right behind him, and it’s not Kurt, or Quinn or even Rachel. Though last time Finn saw the person he wants, he was with Rachel.

Damn. Why couldn’t he have picked Mr. Schue and sang Endless Love with him.

His phone starts to ring, so he reaches into his jean pocket and takes it out. The number isn’t registered in his phone and he has no idea who it could be. Finn looks at Kurt, who is gazing at him in a kind of creepy way, so he quickly answers.

“Hello?” Finn greets, still not knowing who it is.

“Hey, Finn?” He knows that voice, he dreams about it, he would recognize anywhere.

“Mr. Schue?”

“Sorry to bother you-“

“No, it’s no problem. Um, what’s going on?” Finn wonders. Why would Mr. Schue call him? Lately, they haven’t even talked; both of them are pretty busy with little pregnant crazy ladies.

Kurt is watching him, and he shows a one on his finger, meaning give him a minute. Kurt takes the hint and goes upstairs.

“This is going to sound strange.” Mr. Schue starts, and he takes an audible breath, and Finn holds his breath. Maybe he knows about Finn’s feelings, or maybe Mr. Schue feels the same way. Finn can only hope. “Rachel is in my home, and I can’t seem to get rid of her. I was hoping you could come over and try and convince her to go. If you can, if not I - I’ll figure something out. Please, I need you- your help.”

Rachel. Of course, Mr. Schue wants to get rid of a crazed student that’s in love with him, with another of the same kind.

But, on the plus side, Mr. Schue trusts him, out of the other students that he could have called, he called Finn. And that means something to Finn.

“I’ll drive you home after.” Mr. Schue tries to entice him. It doesn’t matter, Mr. Schue could ask him to clean the glee room with a toothbrush and he wouldn’t hesitate. Finn was just temporarily lost in thought.

“Sure Mr. Schue.” Finn replies. Now all he has to do is kick Kurt out and walk to Mr. Schue’s place, wherever that is. “Where do you live?”

Mr. Schue quickly shares the address.

“Thank you Finn. I really appreciate this, I owe you one.” Finn can’t help but think all the things he could do with that favour.

“Yeah you do.” Finn sighs and turns off his cell phone, and he heads up the stairs.


Finn knocks at the door, and it opens seconds later, but it’s not Mr. Schue. It’s Mrs. Schue.

“Oh hi, Mrs. Schuester, Mr. Schue called me to-“

“Will! Door.” Terri just walks off, leaving Finn standing outside the door. Mr. Schue appears a moment later.

“Sorry about that. Come on in, thanks for coming over.” Mr. Schue replies while Finn walks into his place and he shuts the door. “Well, I talked to Rachel, and she is willing to leave, so I have to drive her home. Call shotgun, please.”

Rachel walks out, taking off some bright yellow gloves. Finn looks to Mr. Schue, who is waiting for him to say something.

“Shotgun.” Finn quickly shouts. Rachel bows her head and grabs her coat from the table. Mr. Schue leads the way to the car, with Rachel right behind him, and Finn tagging along.


After Mr. Schue drops Rachel off, he starts driving in the direction of Finn’s house. Mr. Schue takes a big sigh of relief.

“Finn, thank you so much for helping me. I really appreciate it.” Mr. Schue acknowledged. Finn just nods.

Finn may be glad Mr. Schue doesn’t want Rachel, but that means Finn has no chance. It’s something Finn is attracted to in Mr. Schue, the goodness and high morals, without being arrogant or rude. Mr. Schue is just a nice man, that doesn’t nice things, because it wouldn’t be like him to do any different.

Also, if Mr. Schue isn’t attracted to Rachel, who Finn himself was at one point, then how could he like Finn in that way. Finn is too tall, awkward, and not graceful in any way.

“So, how is your ballad going?” Mr. Schue politely asks. Finn looks at him, and Mr. Schue is watching the road, like he should be, but Finn can’t help but feel a little disappointed.

“Good.” Finn replies. Mr. Schue furrows his eyebrows, probably because Finn is pretty passionate about music, so normally he would gush about it. Or complain about having to sing to Kurt, a dude.

Finn can feel the tension, and he knows it’s his fault; Mr. Schue is just trying to talk to him, like friends do. Except they aren’t friends, Mr. Schue is his teacher, and he won’t ever forget it. And he knows Mr. Schue would never be able to get past it.

“I sang ‘I’ll Stand by You’ by the Pretenders, it was Kurt’s idea.” Finn offers and Mr. Schue cracks a grin.

“You sang that about Quinn?” Mr. Schue asks. And obviously that’s what Mr. Schue thinks, because Finn said he would pick Quinn for a ballad. But that was before he knew Matt was out sick, and Mr. Schue was an option.

“No, about my daughter.” Finn whispers, though now that he is remembering it, he may have also been thinking of Mr. Schue.

Finn has been very stressed and overwhelmed. And it just all hit him while Kurt was asking him to sing his feelings. The baby, adoption, Rachel liking him, Finn liking Mr. Schue, Puck has been snapping at him, Quinn being kicked out, Sectionals, football, he’s close to failing some classes; and that’s just the start.

Something has to change, because right now it’s too much. Maybe he should just tell Mr. Schue how he feels, get rejected and move on. Rip off the band aid.

The car stops in front of his house, and before he loses his nerve, Finn rips of the seatbelt, leans over and kisses Mr. Schue.

He rests his hands on Mr. Schue’s hands, so that Mr. Schue can’t push him away. It’s weird, with Mr. Schue facing forward, and Finn coming from the side, but Mr. Schue turns his head, so it’s less odd; though it’s still pretty odd. But in a good way, a very good way, except it could be better, if Mr. Schue kissed him back, though he knows that is just a dream.

Mr. Schue is probably in shock, and Finn thinks he may have screwed up the one great thing in his life, Mr. Schue and the glee club. Well, at least he would still have the baby.

But if Quinn ever finds out Finn kissed Mr. Schue, she would kill him, or at least dump him publically and Rachel would be mad too. Damn, he can’t undo it, though Finn could stop.

Finn keeps his eyes closed, even as he turns away and stops kissing Mr. Schue. He opens the car door. Mr. Schue rests a hand on his shoulder.

“Finn, what was that about?”

There is a lump in his throat, Finn closes the door softly, and he turns back to look at Mr. Schue. Surprisingly, he doesn’t look mad or too freaked out. He seems a little stunned, and conflicted, but not angry. He opens his mouth, and blinks.

“I’m sorry, I just- never mind, forget it.” Finn leans his head back against the seat, and stares out the passenger window. Mr. Schue clears his throat, like he does before he gives a lecture or says something wise.

“You know, I didn’t need your help with Rachel.” Mr. Schue admits, and Finn is a little mad now. Well, then why did he waste all this time going to Mr. Schue’s apartment and going through all this? Finn doesn’t really comprehend, Mr. Schue asked him to help, didn’t he?

“Well sorry you’re the one that called me, I thought you needed me-“

“I did, but not to get rid of Rachel.” Mr. Schue states and he can tell by Finn’s confused eyes and his lip in between his teeth that he still doesn’t get it. Mr. Schue lets out a loud laugh, and then reaches over and grabs Finn’s face in his hands, and presses a light kiss to his lips. He pulls back enough so they can look each other in the eyes.

“I do need you.” Mr. Schue confesses. Finn’s eyes smile and his lips do all the talking when they kiss once more.

fanwork: fanfic, contribution: second post

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