Fic: Your Ass is mine Hudson

Mar 30, 2011 00:37

Title: Your ass is mine Hudson
Rating: G
Characters : Will Schuester, Finn Hudson. Mentions of Matt, Mike, Kurt, Puck and Artie.
Word Count: 940.
Summary: Finn introduces Will to the joys of X-box live and really wishes he hadn’t.
Notes: Ok i know how to do cuts now, yay, so i have no real reason not to post and i can completely edit my content and not worry about italicisation or bold formats when i didnt use them, which is really getting to me on I mean come on! Sorry to rant but it annoys me.

Your ass is mine Hudson.
It was my own damn fault, honestly you try to help a guy out and it just fucking devolves into a suckfest of  epic sucktacularity.

Will was really down after the whole fake pregnant wife thing, so after winning sectionals I brought in my x-box hooked it up to the schools digital projector thingie and introduced him to the joy of Halo.

Big mistake, who knew the guy would be some sort of fucking video game genius…..

And a week later WillSchue68 was on my x-box live friends list.

And destroying me in every shoot em up game with online co op play.

Dude has some fucking serious skills. Now Puck will always, and I mean always find the biggest fucking gun in the game and strafe everything in sight until he’s low on ammo and eventually gets taken down by an alliance of pissed off middle school kids. Cus by then he’s usually killed like a dozen of them and they want his blood.

Me, I try to stay behind cover and use targets of opportunity, sometimes even managing the sniping thing, I’m not bad.

Will can do all fucking three, which sucks. I know he’s like smart and picks stuff up really quickly, but I thought that a whole damn childhood of video gaming would you know match that.

It didn’t.

And the headsets didn’t help either. I mean it’s one fucking thing to get taken down by a headshot, but does he have to fucking gloat?

“ Hah your ass is mine Hudson ! “

And hearing him growl that, oh fuck that doesn’t help my self esteem or confidence or shit, cus when I hear that. Man, the fucking visuals I get.

Yeah I totally have a thing for my teacher, so lame I know, but hey you take a look at him and then say you would say no to him. He’s smoking’ hot. Which is not a great thought when you’re a constantly horny sixteen year old.

“ Okay, so I’m done for the night Finn, you’re clearly spacing, and I really should grab an early night. Catch you later. “

And he’s gone.

“ Hah your ass is mine Hudson ! “

Fuck, how am I meant to sleep with that ringing in my ears? It’s gonna be another fucking long night……..


Three fucking weeks.

It’s turning into his fucking battle cry. And the fucker is untouchable, I swear he’s a fucking ghost. He came up behind me and headshot me last night. Twice!

Puck’s just flat given up now, Mike and Matt log out when they see him come online, even Artie, video games god of Lima is having trouble getting him.

“ This is mortifying, I got beat by a teacher. I’m heading to Azeroth, there I can at least see what kind of skill players have. “

I don’t get half of that sentence. We’re fucking doomed if Artie can’t beat him. I wonder exactly how far Azeroth is……

“ Just you and me Finn, can you handle it ? “ He’s so fucking cocky, and it’s doing nothing for my insane crush.

“ Bring it Will. “

And he does, he fucking comes right up behind me and fucking doubletaps me, headshot, heartshot, game over.

“ Hah your ass is mine Hudson ! “

I groan before he logs off. Definitely not helping.


It’s an emergency meeting of the guys from glee at lunch on Friday. Artie’s wondering if we can figure out some way of giving his X-box the red ring of death. Matt and Mike are wondering if they can isolate his Wi-Fi box and trash it

Puck just rolls his eyes, “ It’s fucking simple, we need to get the guy laid, if he’s banging some chick then we can get our groove back. “

Kurt snorts, “ Oh please, he’s so not interested. Not since Miss Pillsbury started dating her dentist. He’s too caught up in his “ Someone ran over my puppy “ phase to even look at women. He could easily hook up with April or Shelby if he wanted. Honestly, man up, he’s just better than you. Deal with it. “

Trust Kurt to bring everyone down.


Three headshots, one concussion grenade followed by a combat knife to the throat, and a fucking missile to the chest later and I hear it again.

“ Hah your ass is mine Hudson ! “

“ I’m done for tonight Will. “

“ That’s the problem with you guys, no stamina. Catch you later.”

Gaaah , he makes me so…horny. Damn his confidence, his smirk, his ass. Okay enough of this shit.

Let’s see whose ass is whose!


I’m still kinda buzzed on hormones and shit when I’m just outside his apartment and I knock on the door. Oh hell, this is one of those thought/deed things Kurt’s always warning me about…..

Crap, the doors opening. Too late to back out now…

“ Hey Finn, what’s up? “ Is all he manages before he’s in my arms and I’m kissing him. My hands guiding his to my ass.

“ Ok Will, now it’s yours.”

He pulls back, all breathless and dishevelled, but his hands are still on my ass. “ Took you long enough. “


fanwork: fanfic, contribution: second post, rating: pg

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