(no subject)

Jan 19, 2011 00:25

Title: New Years Prayer (Chapter 3/?)
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~3,500
Pairing: Winn, vague mentions of other pairings.
Summary: Maybe there’s something wrong with perfection.
A/N: This is the third chapter of my two-chapter story because I felt it was owed. I added more so it wasn’t just pron. I’m thinking of calling this fic the holiday verse since I plan to add more chapters that center around the holidays. I’m currently working on my bi-monthly challenge fic so any new chapters will have to wait and I also screwed myself with a heavy workload so I’m spread thin already. Not to worry, I will eventually take this somewhere. Again, I’m sorry for any OOC-ness and shoddy plot/dialogue. Oh and the title is taken from Jeff Buckley but it has no relation to the story.

Before either man can get any further than the couch Finn rushes to get his pants off. They get tangled on his long legs, but after a light scuffle, Finn is naked.

“Whoa,” Will stares for a second. He blushes at the thought of what’s going to come next. He then gets a good grip of Finn’s impressive erection and leads him once again through the living room.

This time they only reach the Christmas tree when Finn has to stop. “If you keep pulling me like that it’s going to be over before we get to there.” He chuckles, but he’s only half joking as he feels the electricity intensifying in his groin. Staring at Wills ass as he walks is only making it worse, or better, Finn doesn’t really care.

Will turns his head back with a laugh, body turned towards the bedroom trying to slowly urge them forward. “So what? At your age that didn’t stop me, I could go for hours. Still can by the way.” Wink.

Finn has to pull Will’s hand away quickly before he ruins the nice wood floors because sexy coy Will so does it for him.

Will finally turns around and Finn has to shut his eyes hard because the sight of Will’s eager eyes and the obvious excitement is too much for Finn.

Will’s smile is evident in the husky playful tone. “How about I take care of that here and we’ll start round two in the bedroom.”

Finn still has his eyes closed not even bothering to think about the mail because he knows that isn’t going to work with Will. He’s surprised he’s actually lasted this long. He tries to imagine himself anywhere but here.

Finn can’t help but gasp and open his eyes when he feels Will’s warm breath on his cock and then there’s his tongue light and flickering on the underside of the head.

Finn pants and groans as he shoots all over Will’s mouth. He shoots harder when Will continues licking and adds a warm hand.

He’s hunched over, his hands in Will’s curls and he’s come so hard it’s almost painful, in a good way.

He dares to look at the mess he’s made all over Will’ mouth and He wants to cum again because It’s messy and hot all at the same time.

Will begins to lick the come off his lips and Finn can’t help but think, fuck that’s dirty. And even though he thinks it’s a little gross, it’s fucking hot too and he wants a to know what his come tastes like in Will’s mouth. Finn pulls the man up off his knees. He wants to know if it tastes as good as Will does.

Finn doesn’t understand how licking his own cum off Will’s mouth can be so hot but he’s already hard again and rutting up against will’s hip.

“That was a lot.” Will mumbles into Finn’s mouth.

“It usually is.” Finn pants back, tracing Will’s lips with his tongue one more time.

“C’mon or we’ll never get to the damn bedroom. My bed is so much softer than the floor I promise.”

Finn’s glad Will’s bed is really big because he’s positive there will be a lot of rolling around

“I know it’s kind of late to say this, but we wont do anything you don’ to.” Will’s sweet shy look contrasts sharply with the image of his hard muscled naked body and twitching erection.

Finn watches it twitch and can’t help but lick his lips. “I’ve waited too long Will. There’s nothing I won’t do with you. Well, you might have to give me some time with the kinky stuff but the usual is totally part of the plan.”

“Plan?” The raised eyebrow clears any trepidation on Will’s face. Now he looks reluctantly eager.

“I’ll tell you later. I can’t wait any longer.” Finn pushes Will onto the bed and leans over him tasting his neck. Finn never thought he’d be a biter but he can’t help but mark Will’s neck. He likes to watch the way Will’s skin flushes red making the pale teeth marks stand out.

Finn claims his first favorite spot just under Will’s jaw, biting a little harder than playful but soothing it quickly with licks and a chaste kiss.

Will’s roaming hands reach Finn’s erection where it’s pressing into his hip. “It’ll take me a little while but I think we can do it.” Will pulls away and reaches for the lube in the bedside drawer.

Finn suppresses a grin as he explains part of the plan. “Uh, I’ve seen the stares in the shower Will. I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Beside that’s not part of the plan.”

Will shakes his head about to insist.

“I want you inside of me.” Finn makes sure Will is listening

Will’s slow headshakes become quick nods of approval.

“Are you sure?” Will’s more eager now but he wants to make damn sure this is what Finn wants.

“Yeah Will, I’m sure.” The complete sincerity in his eyes convinces Will.

Quickly Finn is on his back knees up to his chest and Will’s tongue is somewhere even he’s never seen in porn. If Finn can form a coherent thought ever again he’ll swear those whimpers aren’t coming from him. Even though they totally are.

Will’s busy trying to drive Finn wild but he makes a note that he’s never heard him reach those notes before.

Will is enthusiastic and the lightning shooting up his spine feels amazing. Finn thinks he’s going to pass out, if not from the overwhelming sensation coming from low in his pelvis then from the hyperventilating he can’t seem to stop.

When Will pushes a slick finger inside, Finn shudders and has to stop from forcing himself down on it.

Will kisses his thigh before he continues loosening Finn. It’s his first time but Finn’s doing very well. When Will is up to three, Finn’s already grinding down trying to get Will’s fingers in deeper.

Will is mesmerized by Finn’s cock bouncing up and down and has to go in for a taste at the sticky tip. He feels Finn clench around his fingers before the hot release quickly pools in his mouth.

Finn’s breathing is ragged and Will can’t help but notice how beautiful he looks all flushed and sweaty.

“I knew sex with you was going to be good but…” Finn has to take a deep breath before he continues, “ I didn’t think I’d come so hard. My balls hurt. I think if I go again all that’s going to come out is my soul.” Finn’s pupils are wide as if drugged and he’s a little giddy.

Will laughs and then he deems it his turn to mark Finn’s neck. He loves the way he can feel Finn’s already rapid heartbeat quicken under his tongue.

“C’mon I still want you to make love to me.” Finn kisses Will and hooks his legs around the man’s hips.

Will quickly puts on a condom that comes out of nowhere and he carefully slides into Finn. He’s already loose from the preparation and being relaxed but Finn can’t help wincing at the sharp twinge from being entered.

“You okay?”

“Perfect.” Finn mumbles into Will’s mouth as they kiss, and he actually means it.

“You’re amazing you know that?” Will whispers this onto Finn’s chest, peppering kisses here and there as he starts to move.

The pace soon goes faster and once again Finn is surprised at how good sex with Will can be. He’d convinced himself that sex with a man was going to be weird or awkward but now he understands why sex with Santana was so disappointing. Will’s amazing smell, the taste of his skin, and the glorious friction against his insides are incredible. He feels his skin buzzing with need. He’s not even surprised he’s hard again with no encouragement. He’s had his hand clasped around Will’s back the whole time.

“More!” Finn whines into Will’s neck.

Will grips his hips harder and picks up his pace, slamming harder into Finn. Out almost all the way, in as far as he can go.

The slide of Will’s cock inside him and the feel of his erection rubbing against Will’s abs is the best sensation he’s ever known, but he still wants more.

Without stopping to thank god for a large bed Finn catches Will by surprise as he flips them over.

“Oh god yes!”

Will, now on his back, slams up into Finn harder, grunting, panting and tightening his grip at Finn’s hips. Finn catches the rhythm and pushes back down as Will lifts up.

Their respective loud groans harmonize as it feel’s like Will’s reaching deeper inside him then ever.

This new level of ecstasy is getting to them so they slow to a lazier pace to extend the sensation.

Will watches himself repeatedly disappear into Finn’s soft flesh, the young man’s erection swinging obscenely from the action. “You’re gorgeous like this.”

“You look hot too.” Eyes flashing, Finn grins through his panting.

“Now if you’d only move your hips like this when you dance we’d win for sure.”

Will watches Finn blush before reconsidering. “No fuck that, I don’t want anybody else to see what you can do with these hips.”

They can’t hold much longer so they both give into their adrenaline.

Will’s moving too fast for Finn.

When Will sits up to kiss at his chest the sudden friction of his erection on Will’s firm abs make him falter. Finn falls onto Will’s cock and the unexpected jolt coupled with the friction has Finn finished. He’s pushed over the edge again and all he can do is hold on to Will as he feels like he’s falling apart in the man’s arms.

Before Finn is even finished Will clings to him and bites down hard on Finn’s shoulder as he releases inside the young man.

Finn’s not even surprised that he likes to cuddle. He’s plastered to Will’s side with his head on the man’s shoulder and he’s happy. It seems that anything that has to do with Will is okay with him.

Finn smiles as Will sings to him softly, running his hands in Finn’ hair.

“What are you thinking about?”

“About how happy I am.”

“Me too.”

Will kisses the top of Finn’s head and they both drift off to sleep.


“I see it went well.”

Finn’s surprised that Kurt is still up.

“How can you tell?” It’s too dark for the marks he knows he has on his neck to be obvious but he tries to cover them anyway.

“Well, it’s four am and you’ve never had trouble coming down those stairs before. That and you’re totally trying to hide your neck.” Kurt’s sitting up on his bed under the covers and he has his phone in his hands.

Finn sets himself carefully on the mattress laying on the floor and regrets giving up his room to visiting relatives. “It went fucking great. I don’t think I’ll be able to sit for a week but he was amazing.”

“Okay, too much information.”

“Sorry.” Finn lies down fully on the bed and wishes he were still with Will. He would have stayed if he didn’t think his mom would try to hunt him down when he wasn’t there in the morning.

“Just give me the basics and skip the stuff I don’t need to know.”

“Not a lot happened, before, you know. We hung around a little bit. We ate Chinese and I used the mistletoe, twice. I told him I loved him then… yeah. It went better than it sounds believe me.” Finn hasn’t stopped smiling since he woke up in Will’s arms earlier. “Why are you up so late anyway?”

“The party just finished a couple of hours ago and I got to talk on the phone with Blaine for a couple of hours.” Kurt sounds aloof but he’s trying not to shout excitedly.

“How did it go?”

“We have a date!” He cant’ keep the excitement out of his voice this time.

“Awesome. That saves me from owing you.”

Kurt scowls for a second. “Not so fast my dear brother. Now you’ll just owe me for something else. And I plan to collect so don’t forget you totally owe me.”

Finn sighs in mock defeat. “Alright. Now I need to go to sleep. I want to go back to Mr. Schue’s as soon as possible.”

“Oh god Finn.” Kurt doesn’t know what to make of that. ”Good night.”

Finn’s already dreaming of blissful times with Will.


Carol is angry that he disappeared during the Christmas party. She’s furious when she learns he had been drinking.

Finn is leaning on Kurt’s basement room door. Carol ambushed him as he was trying to sneak back out. “Mom, it was Christmas and it was only champagne. You let me have champagne at your wedding.”

“I know it was only champagne that’s not the problem.” Carol crosses her arms as Finn looks on with puppy eyes at full blast. “You’re only sixteen Finn. Your body can’t handle alcohol. You should never have driven, especially at night. What did you go do that took until four in the morning anyway?” She’s staring Finn down, fury and motherly instinct trumping the faux-innocent puppy eyes.

Finn’s never directly lied to his mom’s face before so he can’t do it now. Half truths will have to do for now. “ It’s only just been the two of us for so long. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing or that I don’t support you and Burt, you know I do. I’m just saying that I barely got used to having two more people being around and then suddenly the house is full of these family members. I know this house is a lot bigger but I started feeling like I couldn’t breathe. I needed some fresh air.” It’s a lot more of the truth than he realized but Finn still cant look his mom in the eyes.

Now slightly pacified, Carol drops her crossed arms and reaches for Finn. “And it took you until four in the morning? That’s not like you Finn. You’ve never been impulsive like this.”

“I just needed space. And I spent the night at a friend’s house. I wasn’t driving more than ten minutes tops. I swear mom.” Those half truths are starting to become easier.

“What friend? Didn’t he have family visiting? And why did you come home at four in the morning”

“Uh… It was Puck. He kept waking me up because he snores so that’s why I came home so early. And you know, he’s Jewish so he doesn’t celebrate Christmas. We played video games and ate junk food.” Finn finds out lying to his mom isn’t so hard as long as he focuses on something else besides her eyes. Like her hair, and how it’s sticking up on the left side probably because she’s been waiting for Finn to show up since the minute she got out of bed.

Carol lets it go for now but she does so with explicit instructions that he is not to leave the house. She resolves to watch her son. She wants to figure out why he’s just lied to her.

Carol watches her son and she notices a lot of strange new behavior. She notices the way he paces like a trapped animal. She almost lets him off the hook but the family is long gone so he has no excuse. She’s noticed how spacey he’s looks, like he’s miles away in his head. She doesn’t know what to make of it. She notices a lot more things; most importantly she notices all the secret phone calls. Her son never really liked talking on the phone much, but that blissful floating-on-air look in his eyes after the many calls tells her all she needs to know.

She finally relents late on New Year’s Eve when he looks like he wants to crawl up the walls after two hours of texting. She desperately wants to know the identity of this mysterious girl that has her son so captivated.

She takes a trip to the store. When she comes back she hands the anxious looking Finn a brown paper bag and the keys to her car.

“I don’t think we need another Quinn incident.”

Finn looks into the box and drops it immediately.

“I also bought the bigger kind, just in case you took after you father.” Carol can’t look her son in the eye and she idly wonders if she’s a horrible mother.

She feels a little better at the awkward situation when he looks mortified.

Carol goes upstairs and feels a little conflicted when she hears him speed off. She always wanted to protect Finn as much as a mother could, but she knows there are some things she can’t control.


“Finn? What are you doing here? I wondered why you stopped returning my texts.” Finn really hopes Will doesn’t act surprised every time he comes over.

“Talking on the phone isn’t…” Finn trails off as he’s pulled inside the apartment and Will starts kissing him.

Finn pulls away too soon. “You know I’d be totally into you but my mom just kind of gave me the okay to have sex. So I’m totally not in the mood anymore.” He holds up the brown paper bag.

Will takes the bag and slowly pulls out two boxes of condoms not bothering to ask what Finn means. One is a standard size box, the other, not so much.


Finn tries not to think about how awkward that conversation was. “She said just in case I took after my dad. I could have gone on my whole life without knowing that.”

Will is speechless for a second. “Hey, at least you don’t have a mom who likes to tell secrets about your father when she’s been drinking. What’s that saying, ‘not enough brain bleach in the world’?”

Finn laughs but it’s a weird conversation so he changes topic. “So you want to just cuddle until the ball drops on TV?”

“I would love to.” Will smiles and Finn beams back.

They settle on the couch and even though it’s not cold they’re both cuddling under a blanket.

This time Finn is the big spoon. He kind of likes holding the older man, but he decides that nothing beats the way he feels at ease in Will’s arms.

“So you really think we could be good together?” Will pretends to watch the television as he eagerly waits for a response.

“Yes.” Finn replies immediately.

“How do you know?” Will tilts his head back and Finn kisses his forehead. Will turns to look back at the television because his neck starts to complain.

Finn instinctively begins to rub the back of Will’s neck. That simple action makes Will start believing it too.

“I just know.” The way Finn sounds so sure makes it more believable.

“How?” Finn stops massaging Will’s neck.

“I don’t know, it’s just one of those things you know is true deep down inside.” Finn rests his hand on Will’s chest.

He presses slightly. “Right there.”

Will doesn’t say anything because he knows the feeling. He believes it because that little feeling told him he was never going to be happy with Terry even before they got married. He got that little flutter every time he tried to deny his feelings for Finn.

They stay quiet for a couple of minutes as midnight gets closer. Finn just holds him tighter.

The ball is a minute from dropping. “So do you have any new year’s resolutions?”

Finn doesn’t have to think about it too much. “People only make resolutions when they don’t like something in their lives. I’m here with you in my arms. There’s nothing I want to change.”

Will turns in Finn’s arms and they kiss even before the people on the television start counting down.

They make love again and it’s perfect.

As they fall asleep Finn can’t ignore the uneasiness settling in his chest that tells him something bad is going to happen.

Finn prays that for once in his life that deep down feeling is lying to him.


contributor: health_hazzard, fanwork: fanfic, rating: nc17

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