Title: Milk, No Sugar
Part: 2/2
Rating: PG (language, some mild dude-on-dude action)
Characters: Finn and Will, an assortment of Gleeks, and the odd OC to flesh things out.
Total word count: ~13,000
Summary: Finn gets out of Lima, he gets a job, fame and fortune. But can he get the one thing he’s always wanted?
Part One (
Part 2 )
It was just so perfect. Finn being an accidental genius and everyone's characterization and the sly inclusions of more minor characters and the sweet, simple way you portrayed Will and Finn's relationship and FSDFSDHJk. Everything was flawless. ♥
Thank you so much for this comment! My big concern with this fic was that no one would want to read through 9,000 words of Finn not failing at business just to get to the flirting and smooching. But yay! You liked it!
this is exactly how i must've looked like!
this really was the complete opposite of what you like in a holliday-fic. nevertheless i loved it and i'd love to read more from this verse. AND in my opinion you would've won anyway, even with comptetition ;DD
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