I really liked this song when it came out because it was also pretty darn catchy! (dot dot dot dot dot) The music video scares me a bit though. I think the girls stayed in the tanks for 3 hours to film those parts?
Another MV from BEG that makes you wonder what's really going on... =S
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- "Time goes Tic Toc and it flies by Tic Toc. Can you hear my Sign, Sign, dot dot dot dot dot."
An amazing live, acoustic version that features K.Will:
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And a live version with dancing. Fan dance! =D
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Turns out there's also a Japanese version! Which I hadn't seen before, but it's really different... The set, the outfits, the makeup... The meaning of the lyrics? I can see how this is now more like a Japanese MV now though. lol
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- "What did you want? What should I have done? I don't understand. Answer me, please..."