Dec 02, 2005 03:38
because once i rehash them they don't seem like they were ever real.
and even though it was scary at the time, i feel like i can't properly describe the way that i felt.
and perhaps the way that i feel about the ordeal now is: that it was all quite foolish.
i've taken my share of nodoz and never had any problems. they kept me awake, which is all that i expected them to do.
i don't think i ever took more than two in the span of eight hours.
but in my desire to stay up all wednesday night, so that i could complete a paper that had been due tuesday, i found the trusty little bottle and downed the first pill.
upon reading the label, i discovered a fancy little fact: do not take more than 1/2-1 pill every 3-4 hours.
well okay then, i decided to take one pill every 3 hours, which totaled 3 pills in the span of 9 hours.
as soon as i took that third one, i knew it was a mistake.
i searched for my keys only to discover that they were in my pocket.
i drove to the parking garage with shaky legs and descended the stairs of the garage with weak limbs.
my heart was pounding as though i had just run the mile. but the pounding did not subside.
sitting on the bus, all i could do was concentrate on my breathing and trying to keep myself calm. the veins in my neck were pounding and it felt like my throat was closing in.
i got off the bus with the only hope that i would not fall and/or pass out.
not wanting to speed my pulse any more, i walked to class as slowly as i could. clutching my hat near my heart the entire time.
i could not sit in class feeling this way. after about two minutes i went to the bathroom and forced myself to throw up.
that had been the only time i had ever made myself throw up and for some reason, at the time i thought it would help.
but it didn't matter because the caffeine was already in my bloodstream. i spent the remainder of class in the bathroom being sick and wondering what i should do and what could happen to me.
caffeine had never affected me this way and i didn't know what it was capable of.
was i susceptible to heart failure? why are my arms tingling? should i call someone for assistance?
these are all questions i asked myself in my ignorance.
there was no way i thought my heart would be able to take that kind of beating for such an extended amount of time.
my second attempt to leave the bathroom led me to joe. who helped calm me down and told me to just drink a lot of water and flush it out of my system.
well that seemed like such a simple cure.
following his advice i drank two bottles of water and the peed my little heart out. more like, peed my caffeine pills out.
i was shaking and hyper in the next couple of hours to follow and then i burned out.
though i was dozing in my second class i stayed awake totaling 36ish hours in all.
and now that the escapade has ended i feel rather silly for reacting to the way i did, but at the time, i was not aware of the potential consequences.