OOC - Character Profile

Mar 02, 2006 20:07

Name: Winston Michelle McAdams (Winnie for short)
House: Gryffindor
Age / Birthdate: 13 / August 10
Year: 3rd

Bloodline / Heritage: Muggle / Scottish
Personal History: Winnie is Muggleborn - her mother is a writer and her father is a historian. When Winnie got her Hogwarts letter, her dad did some research and discovered that she has a fifth cousin twice removed who lives in America who's a wizard, but all the same, it was quite astonishing. Her parents are very supportive of her endeavors and do the best they can to learn about the wizarding world. She does, however, have an aunt who has, for the last two years, pretended she does not exist.

Personality: Winnie can be quiet at first when she's alone and meeting new people, but she opens up once she gets to know them, and if her other friends are there with her. She has a very biting, sarcastic sense of humour and it can be off-putting, but as she sees it, that way she can weed out all the ones who no sense of humour at all. Winnie is smart and she really likes to learn, but she doesn't try as far as school goes, and while that might be the downfall of others, she still passes with above average marks. She likes to sit back and observe other people. Ever since she first learned about Quidditch, she's been obsessive about it. Winnie is always right. Always. Except for when she isn't, and those times, she doesn't admit it.

Physical Description: Winnie is average height for 13. She's always had an athletic build, which until Hogwarts and Quidditch, she found odd because she never played many sports. On that note, she is often bruised and sore from Quidditch. Her hair is long, wavy, ash blonde, and people say it could be pretty if she ever did something with it other than brushing it. She has deep blue eyes (much to her dismay, as her mother has beautiful brown eyes, and she always wanted those) and she wears glasses. She finds wizarding robes to be a bit cumbersome so she tries to be in her Muggle clothes as much as possible, which includes wearing jeans under her robes on a daily basis.

Hobbies and talents: Quidditch, reading

Weaknesses: Procrastination, above-average-sized ego, easily bored, stubborn

Best subjects: Muggle Studies, Astronomy, Potions
Worst subjects: Herbology
Broom: Nimbus 2000
Wand: 9 1/2 inches, ebony, dragon heartstring core

List of classes for current year:
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Muggle Studies
Ancient Runes
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