talking with
hockeyislife today about our childhood years. i long for those young days when you truly couldn't see beyond the present. call it selfish but it was simple then. being naive wasn't so bad when you were young ... and even at this adult stage, ignorance can still be bliss. LOL! when did age start making things so difficult? when did the fear become so prominent?
leaving town for a good friend's wedding this week. i was a bit hesitant or apprehensive about how things would be once you get 10 girls together (even though i'm a bridesmaid) - however, this wedding is a blessing of some sort. I'm incredibly happy for my friend, but on a VERY selfish not, happy to be somewhere else right now. lol! i can't wait for this trip to begin and will be tired and sad to see it end. it's funny ... the three of us have been through quite a bit together and seeing us now ... we've all taken such different paths with our lives. 3 very similar yet very different friends. who knew! :-D i would not have predicated any of this for either one of us 5 or 10 years ago. i do love fairy tales ... so at least one of us got it right :-) it's going to be a beautiful wedding!!!!