Last Weeks Mun - Feb. 7th, 2011

Feb 14, 2011 02:35

People say 'write what you know,' so maybe that is why there's such a plethora of stories out there about writers? (And gay vampires)

What areas of personal expertise do you incorporate into your chars? Or do you take the opposite point of view, and deliberately try to write about chars who are unlike you, and have radically different experiences from your own?

-- Joey (and the Actor/writer who plays him) knows infinitely more about music history and Band-Myth than I do. Even from watching the movie he's from and digging into all the little Mad-Props Rob Stefaniuk laced throughout the move I've learned a hellalot. Joey is the ultimate Band Geek. From Robert Johnson (who I am forced to admit I knew nothing of before) who pretty much single-handedly created modern music back in the 1930s and the infamous (for Music Geeks) Crossroads Curse he laid down which apparently, in a very real world way, affects bands to this very day... all the way to modern Bands and mayhem they create, I really do feel like I walked into a classroom on Ancient Roman Cultural Myths and Behaviors and I only have a couple months worth of Latin under my belt. It's been a wild, beautiful ride and I am loving every minute of playing catch-up.

If you're writing chars who have personal experiences that are drastically different from your own, how do you get into their heads? Do you exhaustively research their backgrounds and professions, or write in a fantasy realm so you get to create the world from scratch?

-- Information on Joey's background is limited. He's a fully Modern, Real World grounded character. Except ya know, his world has vampires in it. So I tend to break the 4th wall a lot and fill in the gaps with tidbits from Rob's own life since he admits Joey is his version of a midlife crisis.

And finally, the core experience that we here all share is that we are in some form, writers. Are any of your chars writers, or does the thought of putting pen to paper bore them stiff?

-- Joey is sooo... He's the kind of guy who wants to be in control of every detail concerning his band and his music. When we meet Joey in the movie, it's all falling apart. He's at the lowest any rocker can be and he's lost control. His Manager's quit on him, his Girlfriend resents him, his Ex-Girlfrinds happens to be the lead singer in his band and she is suddenly the only thing that keeps the crowds coming. The Bartender has hijacked The Winners by sending Queeny in to turn them all into vampires. Then suddenly Joey has found his dream of success It's happened, but he's not in control. Not of the Band, not of the shows they play. He can't even control himself as he sinks deeper into bloodlust. He's got Studio Dicks who he openly hates for the way they treat the Band. He has to answer to not only Queeny, but the Bartender as well. Joey's a guy who is just really frustrated right now.

If your chars are writers, what do they write?

-- Music of course!

charloft, ooc

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