Dec 11, 2009 03:27
Yes, I know I haven't been posting lately. I do have a pretty good reason.
I've just moved to a new state (yet again) from a dry as hell one that has a habit of spontaneously combusting every single year to a wet as hell one were if the army's not playing war games then it means there is a tornado warning in effect. Predictably, my immune system went bonkers on me two weeks ago. Although I've never once had the flu (I grew up playing in an open air sewage drainage ditch which gave my immune system one hell of a jump start) I caught it this time around and spent one week in something near a state of "zombie" and last week in bed. I'm just now getting back into the swing of the normal routine.
Please forgive my absence and any third rate nyQuil inspired posts I may have written in the past couple weeks.