information / sign-ups )
To sign up for
winnerexchange, leave a comment on this post using the form below. Comments are screened. It is recommended that you create a LiveJournal account in order to track comments. See
here for information on how to use OpenID to log in to LiveJournal from Twitter or Google.
See our
sample sign-up for more information about the form. You can edit your sign-up until May 23, when sign-ups close.
Please make sure you have read the
rules and schedule before signing up.
Note: If you would like to ONLY sign up as a pinch hitter, please indicate so on your sign-up and do not fill out the "Request" section.
Preferred username:E-mail: I WILL WRITEPairings:Rating:I would not like to write:Are you willing to pinch hit? (Note: If you would like to ONLY sign up as a pinch hitter, please indicate so and do not fill out the next section.)
REQUESTPairings:Rating:I would not like to read: Prompts: Anything else?: SIGN-UPS ARE CLOSED.