I am ACtually posting again!!

Jan 06, 2004 22:15

hey...im posting! 
i only really post when i have something to post about...and i have something to post about.

HOWEVER, before we get to THAT, i owe you guys a little about my break.

It was pretty good.  Cousins came in, and were here till X-mas day.  I like them...they're cool.

12/23 i went to RotK with Anna.  twas good, better then the first time watching it.

12/25 X-MAS DAY!!!  i got a bunch of cool clothes for x-mas, and a CELL PHONE!!!!  (571-275-2352)

12/26 - 12/30  just kinda chilled...nothing interesting...

12/31  New years party.  it was fun...not a rowdy party by any means, but fun.  It was like 5 or 6 couples, and we watched a movie, and played a funny game (ever played Dirty Minds?)  i got happy tree friends DVD's from Anna...FUN STUFF.

1/2 - 1/3  11&12th grade OWL lock in!!!  was supposed to be about sex, but really wasnt.  we talked about the politics of sex, but not really alot about sex...  o well...          a couple of REAL cool things happened...

1: we made a picasso model of a vagina.  The vaginal opening has TEETH!!!!           and the hymen is a tiger!

2: davi and i got the GREAT idea of hosting a con at the arlington church!!
               3: i was introduced to THE GAME.  if u dont kno the game, dont make me tell u b/c once u kno, ure playing for the rest of ur life...that said, if you are davi, comment the link to the imagine the game thing.

4: talked to some abortion protesters...i didnt agree with their bullshit, but they seemed themselves like perfectly reasonable ppl...like we could all just sort this out if we got together the reasonable ppl on both sides...not really....they were nice, but i could tell they werent going to be convinced of anything.

now on to the real reason for the post (this is from today):

got a call from Anna this evening...it was a call that i was sort of expecting, but still didnt really want...

lets just say that we were never really meant to be...   schedules kicked our ass, so i didnt get to SEE her much...  I believe her when she told me that its not me, she just doesnt really have time to commit to anyone, and she has gotten into some shitty situations by trying to keep it together (with an ex or two, before) with that schedule of hers... and even tho im not really bitter,and i believe that its not me,  that doesnt really make it feel *good* ... that sort of thing isnt really supposed to feel *good*... i dont really show my emotions much...so if u see me ull probably be like "you dont look like u've just been broken up with!" but i am.

even tho i believe all that, i have conflicting thoughts in my head...

i cant help thinking that maybe i was just a new years guy... "hey, it would be depressing to not have anyone to kiss on new years..."

i sorta kno thats not true, but it keeps crossing my mind, kinda like the game...oops i lose again...
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