We've just had our first cat/dog conference. It was chaired by Nathan
and fairly and equitably considered all viewpoints.
Tanus Interjects and is cautioned by the chair
Resolutions from the 1st Cat and Dog Conference are as follows:
1. "We the dogs resolve that we will cover up all our pooh"
2. "We the cats resolve not to hit the dogs as they come through the dog door"
3. "We the dogs resolve not to eat all the cat food when our owners aren't looking"
4. "We the dogs promise not to sniff the cats' bottoms"
5 (a). "We the dogs promise not to do stinky farts, ever again"
5 (b). "We the cats promise not to jump on the dogs from great heights"
6. "We the dogs promise not to sit on Nathan's designated chair"
7. "We the cats promise not to head butt or rub into the dogs"
8. "We the dogs promise not to wag our tails in the cats' faces"
9. "We the cats promise not to eat the dogs' dry food"
10. "We the dogs promise not to eat the cats' dry food"