Hi everyone.
No I'm not writting another Sho in NY report. If some of you want to see pictures of my trip and my comments, PM so I can give you access to my Facebook (of course I won't add total strangers =_= ).
In this post, I'm sharing the audio recording I made inside the theater (ooooh, bad Winky, BAD!!! *hides*), which includes the movie presentation by Sho and Miike-san, and the Question and Answer session at the end of the movie.
My aim, first, is to give away that interview from what you can hear on my crappy recording and my memory, but also, for those who waited several hours in the cold and couldn't get in, as well as those who could not make it to NY at all, well, my hope is that it'll make you feel like you were inside the theater :)
Now, it's just for my record, as my video is all shaky and can't top the HQ one floating around (thank God it exists!!!!), but here is my fancam from the NYCC of Sho waving at us... if you feel like watching this from another angle again XD
Now, for the interesting thing, SHOGRISH <33333
WARNING! I tried my best to edit the sound so the squealing are a bit less loud and Sho's voice is a bit louder... well you can hear him a bit more than what I originaly recorded but beware of the squeals anyway XD DON'T LISTEN TO THIS WITH EARPHONES!!!
Sho and Miiike-san introducing Yatterman - MP3 Download:
Mega |
MF recap
The guy in pink tells us to call "YATTER YATTER YATTERMAN" while shaking the Yatterman poster in the air that they gave us at the entrance of the theater (well, you all saw that part on TV news).
Sho and Miike-san appear.
Sho: "Hello. I'm Sho Sakurai."
Audience: "We know!"
Sho: "Thank you! *doesn't understand or remember what was said here* Yatterman is a film with a very Japanese flavor. I believe everyone can feel the same excitement from this film. *I remember this is something about transporting the Japanese pop culture here in the US and that he's happy about it or something, and then he hopes we will enjoy the film tonight ^^"
Miike-san: "Something about being popular.. err I don't remember"
*insert Yatterman movie here XD* (and I'll say it again, I LOVED THE MOVIE! It was sooooo funny, totally not a kid movie AT ALL! And scropion scene??? ONCE AGAIN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED IT <33333333 *perverted mind flies away* BEST H!SCENE WITH SHO EVER! TOTALLY PWNS SHO'S BUTT IN KIIROI NAMIDA! XDDD Ok I'll stop here, I don't want to spoil, but please look forward to it! DEFINITELY!)
Sho and Miiike-san Q&A session - MP3 Download:
Mega |
MF This is the part where I really want to make you feel like you were inside the theater :)
recap (definitely NOT word to word orz)
*movie end credits* YAY IT'S BELIEVE <3333 You might hear
rainawallis and I singing, but it was just for ourselves (but the microphone was just below us so... ^^;;;;;)
*insert some squeals after Sakurap*
Guy in pink: "Who is here for Sho Sakurai?"
Most girls in the audience: *SCREAMS*
Guy in pink: "And let me hear the people who are here for director Miike Takashi?"
Most guys in the audience: *SCREAMS* (may I add that they were cheering A LOT for Kyoko Fukada during the movie (I can't blame them, she was gorgeous *0* ))
Guy in pink: I can hear the voices were lower there XD *some part I don't understan, that's also when he told us it was time for everyone to go to the bathroom if they wanted to, it was now or never... then 5 seconds later.. well no, apparently you can't go now XD* Then he asked who went to the ComicCon earlier, then who went to the panel with Miike Takashii. Then he wondered who was happy about the movie. "Let me hear who was happy with the movie?"
Audience: *SCREAMS*
Guy in pink: "Did it feel like a real Takashi Miike movie to you? For how many people was it the first Takashi Miike movie ever?"
Audience: *winkychan raises hands, and some parts of the Arashi fans* (damn, I still have to watch Crows Zero ;^; )
Guy in pink: (Seriously can't hear what he's talking about)
Sho and Miike-san appear again!
Guy in pink: "So how many people really enjoyed the film?"
Audience: *SCREAMS* (AHAHAH I just remembered Sho's face here, totally glowing with gratitude <3)
Here, the guy in pink said to Miike-san that for a part of the audience, it was there first ever Miike Takashi film, to which he said that it will be the same case for most people who will go to see the movie in Japan XD
Sho: (Insert Shogrish I can't remember, neither understand >< )
Question to Miike-san: (From what I remember, he was asked about his feelings toward Yatterman and why he wanted to adapt it. He said that when he was a child, parents didn't want their children to watch Yatterman because it was a controversary anime (yeah, remember the anime screencap... shining pants? XDDD), so it makes children want to watch it more.)
Question to Sho: (It was cute because he started to reply in Japanese... then stopped, looked at the audience and was like "Ja.. Japanese is okay? Okay" and continued in Japanese XD (because at this point of time, he was always speaking English <3) He was asked about his feelings toward Yatterman, and he said he watched the re-airing only, when he was around 5 or 6 years old, and could only remember some of the catch-sentences. *insert cute Sho!fail here* He tried to say on of the sentences "Pa pi... Pa... nantoka..." ("Pa pi... Pa... something...")
Question to Sho: (really CANNOT remember why he replied "Bikkurishimashita" (I was really surprised!) orz Then some time later, he said that he enjoyed the film reactions and that's were he said he'll let all the other members of Arashi know about the fans here :)))))))
Question to Miike-san: (Still don't remember exactly but Miike-san was talking about how Yatterman first aired on TV some times after the end of the war and Japan didn't want a superhero at this time, and Yatterman was exactly not that kind of superhero, that's why people of his generation loved it)
*Time for the questions from the audience*
Question to Miike-san: (From a Miike fan I suppose, he asked what advice he could give to young directors. To which Miike-san replied he still considered himself as a young director XD Then I totally can't remember or hear what he said afterwards)
Question to Sho: (Yes, THE question, DON'T UNLEASH THE HATE ON MY COMMENTS! Just do it on you LJ/vox/whatever, this seriously is NOT the place! So he was asked if Arashi is ever considering doing a concert in America, to which he replied he was here for Yatterman. THE END! So I hope now that you can hear the context, that well.. yes, everyone cheered. From my point of view, I wasn't even surprised the question was asked, considering the number of fans who waited, and the huge presson we've been under, starting at the ComicCon and the crappy organization. You're totally free to think this was not the place to ask such a question as it was a movie premiere, but I felt Sho was not angry at all, mostly was he a bit embarassed that he couldn't answer to the expectation. Also, Sho is a newscaster, Miike-san is NOT dumb, he hired a freaking JOHNNY'S for his movie, it's bound to happen that there will be fangirls, so I felt, really, they weren't even surprised, nor shocked, nor angry that the question was asked. To me it felt that they were all prepared for such a question to be asked, that's why Sho replied so promptly, politely, and it was a good answer. THE END!)
Question to Sho and Miike: (Question from a Japanese fan. She said she found Sho was perfect for Gan-chan part. Errr... can't hear nor remember the rest then Miike-san said he wanted only Sho for this part and nobody else... or something like that)
To Sho: (The girl from Peru giving her present to Sho. NOW AGAIN DON'T RELEASE THE HATE HERE! Do it on your own blog! I will just remember that Sho was freaking grateful about it <3)
Question to Sho and Miike: (The last question, and it's from
shourai (aka Destini <3) What was the most difficult part of filming this movie. To which Miike-san replied that during the filming process, he was scared of the staff leaving in the middle of the set or something XD *can't understand the rest*)
I also remember now, but I don't know at what point of the interview it was said (one of the "I can't hear what he's saying" part XD) that Miike-san said he was so scared of American reaction to ... hum... I don't want to spoil you... but it's a scene when something "important" disappears and two schoolgirls are running away (you'll see for yourself)... it was EXTREMELY HILARIOUS XD But he didn't know how an American audience would react to this kind of humour (it reacted incredibly well indeed XD). That was actually the part he was worried about the most, to the point he couldn't sleep last night XD
Also at some point, the guy in pink thanked the
Kitano hotel in New York for hosting the whole movie staff and crew (I heard about this rumour when I was at the ComicCon, so it was confirmed true X3 ), and also thanking all the fans who waited outside and couldn't get in.
If anyone with more efficient English and/or Japanese hearing skills and/or with better memory can help complete this transcript, it's more than welcome!
Please DO NOT REPOST any of the audio, just link to this post! It's just audio so it's not like I stole Sho's image from Johnny's, but still, I don't want to be forced to lock this entry, that's why I didn't crossposted.
For the record, this is where I was on the
red carpet (ASDMLKFJ SAMLJ FMJA FMJSDJ FMSDJFMLJ SF Thank God I'm tall XD), and also
inside of the theater (the mezzanine is actually right above the foyer)
So that's it folks, thanks to all the AWESOME fans I met on this AWESOME day!
lady_gemma (ZOMFG THANKS A BILLION TIMES! Without you I wouldn't have been able to get inside the freaking theater T0T ),
rockthecliche, Jacquelyn, Bi, Haruka, Jurii, the Japanese okaasans i talked with, all the girls from the Sho Brigade who waited together in line at the ComicCon, all the girls I waited with, in the cold in front of the theater, and all the awesome people I met and I might have forget to mention, please forgive me. I would love to hear from you if we haven't already contact eachothers (a picture would be best, especially if you were in the Sho Brigade, too many fangirls XDDDDD), and if you have Facebook, please please PM me <3
And I hope this made you feel like you were there with Sho <3