[Scans] Arashi ga Haru no Arashi o Yobu concert pamphlet
Apr 15, 2008 17:21
Today, I'm sharing the scans of Arashi ga Haru no Arashi o Yobu concert (2001) pamphlet (MORE CHIBIS!!!!!!!!! <3). Like the Typhoon Generation pamphlet, this one is A3, so it took two times scanning it + Photoshop power = 20 minutes of work per page >____< Still, can't help some glossiness on some pages... and 2 pages fell off.... ;^; But ne, I must say.... this guy and this guy want to be molested very much fufufufufufufu X3 *runs away with her perverted mind*
Credit if used
Don't claim as your own
You're free to repost this elsewhere as long as you credit back with a link to my LJ. Except on vox for the only reason that Vox rewrites the files name, so even if you credit me, the tag I've put in the file name, which helps people to keep track of who scanned what, will be lost. Sorry :/