Jul 25, 2013 19:31
Oh my lanta....how rediculous is this! I can't believe live journal still exists! How funny!
I was reading two posts ago, particularly the list i had written for myself. A bucket list so to speak.
I actually felt pretty good about how many of those I was able to check off!
1. Take tap lessons. I 've always wanted to do this. I've done practically everything else, and its darn good exercise.
2. Take another vacation to New York. This time I want travel to Boston, Pittsburg, and Philli as well.
3. Get my passport. It the first step in going anywhere outside the U.S. (CHECK!)
4. Find a new best friend who's not dating, married or pregnant. (CHECK!)
5. Start saving for that house I want.
6. Start going to group things that scare me. I need to have confidence in my personality again. (CHECK!)
7. Cherish my parents more. They won't be around forever. (CHECK!)
8. Start to think about me being in a relationship again, and not be afraid of going for it. (CHECK!)
9. Buy a puppy. (CHECK!)
10. Read my Bible more. I really am a pathetic christian. (CHECK!)
11. Serve more and talk less (not that I've really been do that either) (CHECK!)
12. Buy some knee high sexy boots. (Can't decide on Chocolate or Black) (CHECK AND CHECK, I BOUGHT BOTH!)
13. Find a mentor (CHECK!)
14. Mentor someone (I think you learn just as much)
15. Read more and maybe write a little to amuse on a saturday afternoon.
Not bad Aleckson, not bad at all! Feeling pretty good about that!
I'm actually looking at two jobs back in Pullman at the moment. Not even joking. They would be steady and pay well and eventually allowing me to get my masters degree. I still need to study and take the GRE. Heck, I still need to find a field that I can consistanly remain loyal to for more the 10 hours. But its a start.
I love my job at pierce. I have a great boss, decent co workers and its comfortable. The work is a little on the boring side but not too bad. It doesn't really thrill me though. You know that old saying "If you find a job doing somehthing you love, you'll never work another day in your life". Well I think I'd really like to work as an manuscripts and artifact preservationist. I know that sounds so "yawn" to many people, but I think it would be indescribable to hold history in your hands. To touch the paper that many great minds had touched and spilled their thoughts in ink on each page. To touch a bowl from the 10th Century that a mother had used to prepare meals in for her children everyday with out a thought to the longevity it would have. That maybe her many a great grand child might hold or see it at a museum hundreds of years later. I love those eerie thoughts, the mystery, the wonder. Humanity hasn't changed much. In fact, I wonder if its even possible to have an original thought now a days. Chances are somewhere, someone at sometime has had the same thoughts, feelings, and emotions that you are feeling today. Nothing is really new or original. In the history of all humanity,how many people have been born? When the end comes, what is the final count going to be. How many fetuses, children, and adults have existed. That's a lot of souls.... and to think about how many nobodys lived out there lives, never making history. How many of the most amazing stories will forever go unknown simple to be lost in the minds and memories of those that came long before us. Its sad. But kind of like being a nobody too. I've never made the news. I'm not political, famous, rich, or adventurous. I'm just a nobody. Which I'm actually ok with. Anonymity suits me just fine.
Anyway....I have to work on those job posting so I better scoot. I just thought it would be fun to look back at my old writings and journal entries. Makes me smile.