Yet life goes on...

Feb 14, 2006 22:11

So I've started what seems like the millionth week on crutches and I am SO ready to WALK. I can't believe that I still am not mobile. The last time I sprained an ankle I was walking within 4 days. FOUR DAYS!!!! But I just can't seem to put enough pressure on the damn thing without feeling uncomfortable or strained. There's no real pain, but it's just so straining. On the good news, I start physical therapy on Friday. Hopefully they'll help me bounce back sooner and better. It just sucks so much. My intermural is having a winning soccer season...without me. My volleyball team won its first game...without me. And the Daisy Cutters are continuing to lose...without me. And Jonesy's team is still kicking ass...without me. Everything just keeps going on without me. Plus, I still can't really do the run at work which is pissing off my employers (and I even think it's starting to get on my Dad's nerves a little). I managed to hobble to the bank and to the courts yesterday but by the time I got back I was nearly seeing stars b/c I was so winded and tired and just beat. I hate being injured. Part of me just wants to get better and not do anything anymore so that I won't get hurt...but then I remember that the reason I'm so pissed is because I want to play all my sports. MEH. (or MERH, for Jonesy).

On other news, school is going ok. I have the coolest roomies in the world so they give me rides to and from class so I don't have to brave the walk on crutches. (I love my friends so much!!!!!!!) Plus I seem to be getting ok grades. History is going great, French is eh, and Poli Sci I have my first test tomorrow....which is something I REALLY should be studying for...but I'm just such a procrastinator!! Merh.

I had a pretty good weekend last week (despite the evil crutches). We had some people over after the volleyball game on Thursday and it was so much fun. Me and Craig were winning some and losing some beer pong, and Kelsey and Jon just dominated like always....the jerks. J/k! Bane, Curtis, Candice, and Jonesy all took turns beating and getting beaten at the table. Lots of fun. We also went and watched Bane and Jonesy play soccer; everyone except me were intoxicated so it was quite an interesting ride (and yes I was able to drive! How exciting, huh?) Friday and Saturday me, Candice, and Kelsey did girls nights. Friday we went to watch the Daisy Cutters and then we came back and had a movie night. We watched the Wedding cute. It has everything a good chic flick has; some humor, some romance, and in the end you're happy and just a little bit horny. :) Then Saturday we helped my parents paint, then we went to Olive Garden. We all got so dressed up and pretty. Then it was another movie night. We rented Red Eye and The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Both were good. But at Blockbuster I was a little tipsy from the drink I had w/ dinner and I was cracking up the whole time until we had to pay. I gave a $20 and the movies were $4 each and I only got $8 back at first so I was really confused. I asked why I only had $8 and I guess it came out meaner than I meant it to.

"Why do I only have eight dollars?!?!" ~ me

It was funny.

Well, today was Valentine's Day and I have the two best Valentine's in the world! Kelsey and Candice left a card in the bathroom for me since I'm the only on without a Valentine...although technically Jon was SUPPOSED to be mine, but he slacked in his duties. Hahaha, j/k. I didn't get him anything either, so I slacked off in mine also. :) All this lovey dovey stuff though has made me realize something though; I have to got to be more ballsy and go after what I want. It's just so hard to get past the "Will he/won't he, is he/isn't he" stuff. If I only knew that everything would work out and that by saying, "Hey, I think we should try this" it wouldn't totally ruin a wonderful friendship. Not much mention all the other shit that goes along with it. Ugh...maybe I should just go for it....or maybe I should just get him really really really drunk and THEN tell him! That way if it's not what he wants he'll say and chances of him remembering are slim to none. That plan is sounding a lot better as of this point. Oh well...I'll figure it out.

Well, that's my life right now. It is what it is.

My Valentine's Day theory:

Why Valentine's Day is a Fat Holiday
(just an observation)

Girls who are involved in a relationship are quite happy on this day because they receive gifts from their significant other. The usual gift; chocolate.

Girls who are single on this day can sometimes get depressed because they have no one to share it with. And what do girls who are depressed do? Eat chocolate.

So girls who are single eat chocolate because they are sad, while girls who are taken eat chocolate because they are happy, but all girls will gain five pounds because of it, therefore creating a fat day.

So whether you're single or taken, revel in your chocolate and proudly show your excess weight; you've earned it.

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