Nov 23, 2005 12:15
So, I'm bored. We're talking REALLY bored. I'm at work and have been for the last two hours. I usually don't come in till 12:30 but since it's the day before Thanksgiving there was only one secretary here and they asked me to come in early to help with the phones. The phones have rang twice...oh no wait, three times. Plus, it's really starting to snow outside; it's beautiful and pretty dont' get me wrong, I'm just not looking forward to walking in it.
So, I hate computers. I've decided this. My computer at school decided to give me the finger and a whole hearted fuck you. My internet stopped working and pretty much to fix the whole thing I had to erase everything and start from scratch. I lost all my pictures (luckily I saved them before I wiped everything out), my funny profiles, all my stuff, gone. I'm not a happy person over this. Then to top it all off, I can't get everything back yet. I still can't get internet and now I don't have any sound because my sound card doesn't want to work. Grrr. Thank God for Phil. My friend Phil has been helping me out through this and I think by the grace of God we will either fix it or throw it out the window. I'm hoping it'll be the fixing it part, though. But Phil is my computer genious and without him I don't know where I would be. Oh yeah; still clueless and no computer. :)
I went and saw the movie Rent last night with B and Franny; good movie. I enjoyed it a lot (especially because I got to see it for free!). The music was amazing and the story line was really moving. I think B cried. :) But it was really good. I encourage all to go see it.
Uh, lets see, anything else I can babble on about to help pass the time? Well, my roomies are all gone right now. :( Not happy about that, but hopefully I'll see them all soon. I miss them. I love being home, don't get me wrong, but I do miss the apartment; it's become my second home. I'm excited I get to show it off to Kevin and B tonight! Yay!
I checked my grades and though not all of them are posted yet I received a B in both Poli Sci and History! Yay! So school seemed to go fine for the most part; I was a little worried towards the beginning but now I think I'm alright.
Uh, boys are stupid. But that's pretty much a gimme. :)
I really think that's all I can ramble on about right now. So, that's the update!
Random quote:
"There's Only Us
There's Only This
Forget Regret Or Life Is Yours To Miss"