
Feb 06, 2013 00:33


I'm really not supposed to be slacking online now but I want to get my obligatory one-post-a-month over and done with in case I get too busy and forget about it later!  (ノ;︵;)ノ *:・゚'✿,。・:*:・゚'❁

Oh man, request doodles seems to be the only way I can get myself motivated enough to draw nowadays and yet I only take them when I want to procrastinate on more important stuff get distracted.

1.) Belarus + Cozy.

I deliberately left the knitting person open to interpretation but I think it might be cute if it's Sweden or Ukraine! Or maybe even Netherlands, like the original requester wanted which I cowardly copped out on because I'm not confident with my interpretation of their dynamics lalala.

2.) Prussia + Household Chores/Dog walking.

Dogs are haaaaaard to draw. ;n;

That poor bird haha.

3.) Spain + Telenovella.

All I got from google was that telenovellas are kind of like over-dramatic soaps DON'T JUDGE ME. ლ(ಥДಥლ) ლ(ಥДಥლ) ლ(ಥДಥლ)

Mini doodles done for some very cute people ehee ;///;

[GPOY] /sob

The lack of USUK in this post disturbs me, so have a really old pencil doodle from my sketchbook.

...I based this off my bunny. He licks my nose if I put it really near him ahhhhh so cute so cute.♥♥♥ /silly pet owner

Another old doodle I found in my sketchbook.

You overestimate America's understanding of the delicate relationship you have with France, England.
Ahaha I think this was vaguely inspired by an RP thread, I can't really remember now though.

Happy Year of the Snake! /o/

Wow call me shallow but I finally deigned to watch the anime now that the character designs became ~pretty~ and I can't get over how CUTE Italy is. Uwahhh so adorable he makes my heart go doki doki. (=◡=)ᘚ ♡

 So after speaking with around five interior designers, I finally settled on the fellow that did my friend's home and they've just started on the basic construction work on my place last week. The schedule's a little rushed and tight because we have to factor in the Chinese New Year break, but if all else goes smooth I'll be able to move in by April!

Tbh, I still don't have a concrete idea of what I want yet so it's really hard to communicate a design concept to them besides the basic requirements like kitchens and TV consoles. And I know this is all my fault because I should have done this earlier. /procrastination queen

Nothing like a good friend to rub the salt in, eh? (ಥωಥ;)

Yeah, I prefer using cubie over whatsapp because it has cuter emoticons!

Tried sketching out some thumbnail layouts here so I can get a better feel of the look I'm going for. My new flat is real small too so the main priority is to try for a less cluttered and more spacious look if possible.

Keep in mind that this is only a rough pencil+pen sketch from memory and not to scale! (Pretty sure the living room's smaller than it looks in the sketches but you know how it is with memories yeah? Especially a fuzzy memory based on less than 5 visits to the place in question orz.)
Haha I know you can't tell from here but I used to be pretty good at conceptual layouts in school, it comes very easily to me compared to other stuff like colours which I genuinely have a hard time with. The great thing about layouts is that once you've gotten the hang of it, it flows very naturally and even rough instinctively drawn ones like these will still look somewhat decent. Like, if you don't look too closely, you won't notice that I didn't bother with an actual vanishing point or that the lines aren't exactly parallel/converging/perpendicular to each other right?

Anyway, the point of these mini layouts is to use them as idea thumbnails for myself. It helps me visualize things better like which part of the wall I should paint and what colour to use.

It's a bit of a headache still because the colour calibration on my laptop screen is off and I can't seem to calibrate it well enough to have a better gauge of the actual paint colours. Makes picking out colours hard if you know what I mean aughhh.

Hey if you don't see me around much, you'll know what I'm busy with! Also, all letters will be sent out next week after CNY so keep an eye out for them!

rp doodles, !art, requests, home sweet home, [hetalia]

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