Shot through the heart

Jul 02, 2012 19:38

Here is the original sized non-blinking version, just in case you feel like doodling words on the hearts and writing your own valentines or something idk.

Hi hi, it's been a while since I've logged in. How's everyone been? I hope y'all are doing fine! o/

So I went and took requests again even though my last two attempts didn't exactly turn out well. (Sorry if you were one of those that I bailed out on, I really have no excuse for it.)

1.) Chibimano + Pizza.

2.) Little Greece having fluffy fun with a tentacle sheep.

3.) Romania/Bulgaria + Candy.

3.) Germania. You know the kind of stupid phone app that lets you superimpose meme faces on photos? That one's a "son, I am disappoint" face.

4.) England/2P Fem!America + Rain.

6.) India/Macau + Crusine.

Honestly, the only Macau food I can remember is the Portuguese egg tarts orz.

Some of the requesters were super nice and drew me really really lovely art back too!
1.)Cameroon and Cuba from okay

I asked for either one of them and she drew me both uwahhh! ;A;

2.)America and England playing Connect four from dererste-mun. (I don't know her art account sorry!)

Seriously, I only asked for something with mochis and I got my OTP being freaking cute back. WHY IS EVERYONE SO NICE AND GENEROUS? ;A; ;A; ;A;

Sob nobody ever draws me anything anymore now that Pris stopped drawing. /hint hint HINT *cough*shroomydrawmesomethingplease*cough*

Other stuff:

2P America is probably the only one I like genderbended.

Because while blond America is freaking adorable, brunet America is seriously HOT. That tan is not helping. /huff huff

...I was messing around with the colours so their hair came out more red than brown, :< Not that I dislike reds, just that it doesn't go very well with a pink dress! Ugh why is colouring things so hard ;n;

2P Igiko which doesn't even look like her because I doodled in a style closer to what I use for work stuff.

Basically I just view the 2P characters as alternative colouring . Might do more of them since I really like some of the colours!

The fight for ChibiAmerica's soul!

I've been watching Supernatural recently! Dean and Castiel has my heart- Siren warned me there's heartbreak coming up but I'm still like nooooooo stay cute, don't go angsty on me boys ;o; ;o; ;o;

Stupid things I do with bodypaint in my free time.


Tried emulating blood for the angel banishing sigil here but then we cleaned this off 'coz it just looks creepy in the end.

No one really misses the "incredible" right? Right?

Man I should just go look for a Comic Con and try to sell bodypainting there because this took about 5mins or so only. Waaaay faster than anything I try to do digitally. :(

Diamond Jubilee doodle.

There's actually a bit of freckles drawn on 'coz I thought it would be cute if he got them from standing guard out in the sun but then they blended into the sunburn patch after I added the texture orz.

/rereading the Hetastreeeem strips. #nolstalgia

America is that one big kid that never grows out of sitting on Santa's lap.

He totally wants that hybrid Captain America-Ironman robot BECAUSE IT CAN SAVE THE WORLD.

LMNT is not a good substitute for the bard, you silly boy ;3;

Someone asked if I was okay with my art being reposted. I guess I'm cool with it as long as it's not used for mocking purposes. So yeah, go ahead and do what you want!

Art dump because I suddenly went through an inspired bout of doodle-a-day which unfortunately, didn't last long. /slumps

P.S - My dear neglected f-list, I'm so sorry but I promise to catch up soon! Just let me roll around in my self-inflicted angst and antisocial bubble wrap for the time being wahhhhh.

bodypaints, [supernatural], !art, requests, fantardery, photos, [hetalia]

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