Riiiiiiiiiiii!!!! ♥

Jan 12, 2012 19:33

I got your card! I got your card! ┌|°з°|┘└|°ε°|┐┌|°э°|┘

AJGF;SDJGHHRI♥ so cute wahhhhh guys look at how cute that England is omg omg SO CUTE I CAN'T BREATHE. ;o; ;o; ;o; /strokes it lovingly

Goddammit Rii, come back to LJ so I can shower love on you! All my awkward LOVE okey. Where have you gone??? ;A;♥♥♥
Ugh I cannot tumblr nor twitter ahhhhhh why is everyone not on LJ anymore sob. [LONELY GOSH I AM SO LONELY]

Btw, a million apologies Kai, but I finally got off my lazy butt and sent your letter out! orz 对不起 对不起

Now just pay attention to the pretty colours and ignore whatever's written. Because I cannot write letters for the life of me.


-The almost makings of a Slytherin!Arthur paperdoll.

Not exactly pleased with how it turned out mainly because of the texture and colours of the origami paper. It's really thin too, so it helps to layer a piece of cardboard as backing.
Thank goodness I used this as a tester first because I screwed it up bad in the later stages and had to... scrap it. ALL MY SADNESS. ;n;

-Gryffindor!Alfred! It was much easier and faster the second time round!

Attached a ribbon, so I guess it can be used as a bookmark now? I hope you like it!♥


Still trying to see if I can find the time to put together a semblance of an art post; I just... need some time to get over this burning shame I feel for anything I draw now, idek why. /o\
Have this really old doodle I dug out from my sketchbook in the meantime! It's loosely based on a RP thread that has Canada streaking for a dare hah.

Oops it's so rushed and squashed at the bottom because I ran out of space on the page lalala. /never plans anything everrrr
( Haha I've been researching for a trip lately and I keep stumbling on sites that teaches you how to "not look American" when you're traveling. Apparently, a lot of them like to pass themselves off as Canadians when they're overseas too. Now I wonder if Canadians let their inner douchbags loose by pretending to be Americans overseas. Probably not eh. :)a )

Saw this the other day:

Oh yeah, I might just know someone dead guilty of this. XD

Their campaign tagline was "caught in a bad browmance" lmao what the hell.

rp doodles, !art, fantardery, photos, mail, [hetalia], crafts

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