Go Speedracer!

Nov 12, 2009 16:55


Gotta confess I know next to nothing on the steampunk genre but oh man it's just so aesthetically pleasing!
Check out steampowers if steampunk AU Hetalia is right up your alley? They have really great fanworks!

Aaahhh I'd love to see England as some sort of gentleman thief with all sorts of kooky inventions that he tries to pass off as *~MAGIC~*. He makes imaginary creature puppets for himself too because he is oh so ronery ;__;. Igiko would probably fit that cliche role of a street urchin picked and trained to be a proper genteel lady I guess? Despite Rome's best efforts, she still lapses back into her lower class accent when you get her upset enough. Francis teases her mercilessly for that.

SuFin's the weird but nice couple who owns a clockwork toy shop down the street. Everybody gets their Christmas present from there.♥

So one day, Finland tells Sweden how adorable that kid down the road is and how nice it is to have kids around. Sweden completely misunderstands and a couple years later, goes to purchase a mechanical puppet from England that crazy inventor living in the dilapidated grand old house everyone avoids.

America's the rebel that ran away from home to join a circus. He does aero-acrobatics with his plane and wows the audience with his devil-may-care attitude and crazy antics. If he's female, he'd be the strong-willed explorer who shows up all the boys with her bravery and thirst for adventure. Either way, he'd be a total trouble-magnet. No doubt.

Umm... France is a shady wine-dealer that deals with both ends of the law. Every fortnight, he meets up with Prussia and Spain and they go to a pub to drink and lament on the lack of / failure in their love life. LIKE TRUE BROS DO. ;__; With enough alcohol in their system, they'll don hilariously bad disguises as the notorious BAD FRIENDS TRIO whose only purpose in life is to kick England's sorry ass.

Obligatory NA pilot bros pic.

I'm sorry for subjecting you to my pathetic sad excuse of a headcanon. Trust me, they have much better steampunky ones over at the comm. SO MUCH GOOD ART AND STUFF I DON'T DARE TO POST ANYTHING THERE [SOB].

A steampunk meme!:
Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...The Explorer
14% Elegant, 34% Technological, 30% Historical, 64% Adventurous and 54% Playful!

You are the Explorer, the embodiment of steampunk’s adventuring spirit. For you, clothing should be rugged and reliable, and just as functional as it is attractive. You probably prefer khaki or leather, and your accessories are as likely to include weapons as technological gizmos. You probably wear boots and gloves, and maybe a pith helmet. Most of what you wear is functional, and if you happen to wear goggles people had better believe that you use them. In addition to Victorian exploration gear, your outfit probably includes little knickknacks from your various travels. Above all, you are a charming blend of rugged Victorian daring and exotic curiosity.

Try our other Steampunk test here.
Take The Steampunk Style Test
at HelloQuizzy

Art requests:
I like doing these because they make me try out characters/pairings I don't usually draw.
Might take a couple more when my life frees up. So many obligations, so little time~

Poland in that pink popular dress from Wicked.

America and Lithuania, Jazz age.

FrUK, Harry Potter crossover.

...Don't judge me too harsh on this, I'm not really familiar with the Harry Potter universe. ;^;

Gakuen Uralics.

Trying out a new coloring style here, wish I could've persevered with it though. /gives up.

orz I put in a little more effort here since I felt kinda bad dragging these requests out for so long.
And I didn't even manage to do my Halloween pic in time... whatever, I'll probably pull that out for practise when I'm bored.




Posting will be a little more sporadic from now on. Hope everyone's doing great! <3

ETA: AJDGALJF EVANGELION 2.0 OH MY GOD AJFLKAGFAKF:KHA"JDA BEST $6 I'VE EVER SPENT!!!! NO WORDS. JUST. NO WORDS. ;o; Now I can't wait for the Princess and the Frog, Despicable Me and the Fantastic Mr. Fox to screen too!  /hyperhyperhyper.

bodypaints, !art, requests, [hetalia], meme

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