Ushering last night was hella fun.
Had fun times with all of these people. (Jade, Daryl, Sarah, Ben(Shadow), and Caleb)
Daryl wanted to push the "panic lights" button. I told him no.
Eventually, we settled down to a nice game of Honey if You Love Me. (Sarah and Caleb went to go watch the show.)
It was kind of crazy, kind of wierd. But definetly a good way to spend the time ushering.
Highlight: AnneMarie walks in when Jade is sitting on my lap, trying to get me to laugh. She takes one look at Jade and I, and tells us that we're being too loud. There goes my chance at being usher director. (not that I really wanted to be one)
(sorry, I can't figure out how to do a link without losing the pictures.)