The Master Fic Post

Dec 31, 2020 19:34

I am so organized!  Look at me go!  I like to try to make my LJ as user-friendly as possible, and make it easy to find my fics in many ways.  In this post, you can click on Magnificent seven, and it will list out all of my mag7 fic in the order it was written.  or you can click on a series, and it will take you to all the works in that series, or you can choose the story you want to go to.   My Original Work also has its own tag.

I am a HUGE fan of tags.  I can't help myslef.  So even if I don't update the Master Fic Post immediately upon posting something new, the new entry will be tagged appropritely (so by clicking on the series or the mag7 tag, you will get the most up to date stuff).  Did that make sense?

I have been meaning to do one of these for a while...



Gone Wrong
     During a preliminary meeting, Buck and Ezra's cover is blown.  This was my first Mag7 story ever.   Was nominated for a 2009 MoM Award.

     Following the events of Gone Wrong, Ezra and the boys try to get their lives back to normal, but things are not as smooth as they seem.

...And Sometimes They Win
     Ezra is continuing to have difficulty adjusting to his situation, and the boys are starting to notice.  Nominated for a 2010 Ezzie Award.


     Ezra finds himself on the wrong end of a gunrunner's wrath, and the boys have to find him before it's too late.  Nominated for a 2009 MoM Award

     A missing scene from "Broken."  What went through Ezra's mind while he was alone?

Tooth and Nail
     Although not in the story arc, this makes mention of events in "Broken."  How did Ezra come to have a gold tooth?


Jaguars, Kittens and Holes in the Road
     Ezra has a new little friend.

Lions and Tigers and Kittens, Oh My!
     Some of the boys meet Tye, and someone suffers from ailurophobia.

Kitten Scratch Fever
     In this installment, Chris meets Tye, and Ezra is sick.

Kitten's in the Cradle
     Josiah has a heart to heart with Tye.  What does the big man think about?

Stand Alone Stories

A Wicked Accent
     On a boring day at the office, the boys discuss JD's Boston Background.
A Bowl of Scorpions
     A follow up to A Wicked Accent.

Almost Doesn't Count
     On the way home from a stakeout, Vin and Ezra run into some trouble.

Of the unCommon
     Ezra is having a very odd day.  Squirrel!fic.  Nominated for a 2009 Ezzie Award

     Pure smut... contains explicit (het) sex.  NC-17.  :) 
     winnner of a 2009 ezzie award

A Letter to the Editor
     Poor Buck.  He was just looking out for his fellow man.  humor.

     Team Seven conducts a raid on a moonshiner.  Bad things happen.  Winner of a 2010 Ezzie Award.

     Ezra and the boys knew something bad was gonna happen.  inspired by the GnG halloween challege.  Nominated for a 2010 Ezzie Award.

Coffee, in Hindsight
     A ficlet about Chris and his past life.  Tearjerker.

In Spades
      When Ezra is undercover, stress ratchets up, and there are hintings from outsiders that Ezra may be walking a fine line between law and lawlessness.

Original Works

Wishful Thinking  More of a descriptive exercise that actual story... this was part of one of my writing portfolios in college.  Creative Non-fiction, if you will.

A Midnight Visit  While i am not fond of this title so much, the story is pretty good.  It is kind of sad though.

Lowrider  written about 9 years ago now... a weird little story with some songs as the background.

Rook and the Bathtub  i wrote this one a while ago, and it contains a lot of nice moments.  at some point i think i might go back in and redo it... make it a bit more of a story.

original work, writing, master fic post, mag7 fic

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