on cleaning and free stuff

Oct 02, 2010 19:50

man, am i a tired bunny right now.  i have had a busy ass day!

i'll start with yesterday.  work was stressful, as usual.  asshat bothers me, as usual.  so i dont know if i told you guys this, but i trained Beef to knock on my cube before entering or to get my attention.  it's kind of cute now cuz he still does it.  now, i keep some books on my desk which other people sometimes have to look at, and one time beef came in and just grabbed them, and i gave him shit for it, but in a playful way.

i don't really mind people coming in my cube to grab those books.  really, i don't.

asshat, however, marches out of his office and into my cube while i am sitting there, and starts flipping through MY STUFF.  like, MY ORGANIZED STUFF.  like, seriously?  you can't ASK ME like a normal fucking human being?  it's just inconsiderate and unnecessary.
i was telling ken that asshat is keeping me in the dark on everything, and it's making me nuts.  i told ken that i will in no way grow in my role while reporting to asshat, cuz to him, i just do all the bitch work.  and, he doesn't even give a shit about the bitch work.

i can only hope that things change.  i know i'm not gonna leave this job... i mean come on.  i'm good at everything i do, and i have 7 years vested in this place.  and i like it there.  i just HATE this guy.

also yesterday, before work, something rather funny happened.  i was bummin around, drinkin my coffee and still in my jammies.  then i hear a truck's air brakes outside my window.  and then a knock on my door.  (no one ever visits me).

i answer the door in my jammies, and these three filipino guys are there, with a furniture truck.  im like, uh hi.  the lead guy says, "you expecting a delivery?"  his two front teeth were gold.  it was like talking to flavor flav.
so i ask if they were maybe looking for the back apartment.  this happens a lot cuz you can't see the door from the street.  mine is like a main door.  they ask if maybe it's upstairs, and they're looking for Gail.

i told them that the kid upstairs literally moved out last night.  so flavor flav looks at his paperwork and says thanks for your help and makes a phone call to the customer listed on his paperwork.  i go back  inside and get ready for work.  10 minutes later i am leaving for work (doesn't really take me long to get ready).  they're u nloading the furniture.
apparently, i had a new neighbor.
one dood was standing in the truck and yelling "HURRICANE EARL!" over and over cuz of the wind.  he was a little crazy.

i apologized to them, saying i felt like a jerk for not knowing, but when i had said the kid left last night, the KID LEFT LAST NIGHT.  so then i was checking out the furniture... it was a real nice bedroom set.  i told the guys i should have said that i WAS expecting furniture.
they said they got in touch with the customer, and he would be there in 10 minutes to let them in.  i asked them if he sounded nice, and flavor flav was a little weary when he said, yeah he sounded nice enough.
i said "good, i don't want a dick livin above me."
they laughed, and i left for work.

i'm a people person.

so after i got home from my brother's last night after work (it's his b-day), i started to clean.  i started with the lizard pens, and i fed ringo again.  (he's kind of littler than his cage-mates, and i worry he doesn't get enough food).  i then put him in my boobs to hang out a while, and he seemed content enough, then he started wiggling a bit.  then he unloaded a big shit IN MY BOOBS.  i hate animals.  this thing had NOISE to it!  it was FUCKING NASTY!  so, he went back in his pen, and i went to hose off.  FUCKING NASTY.

then i went to bed.

today was huge busy.  i got up early, went to the tailor to pick up my dress, then walked to the atm to get money and back to the tailor to pay him, and by the time i got to my car, i had gotten about three "YO SARAH"'s from people i knew.  sometimes i love my town.
so, after the tailor, i went to BJ's and got some stuff, came home, ate lunch, and started to really clean.  i cleaned all the cat boxes and changed them, i did manis/pedis with the cats and they tried to kill me, so i broke it up... i vacuumed.  i rearranged the living room a bit.  i moved a fish tank to its new table.  i cleaned and fed the turtles.  i filled my birdfeeders.  i watered my plants. i tried to take the satellite dish off my house (been there for three years, not being used... such an eyesore) with no luck, but i got the wore off.  i can live with that for a while.  i put away some clothes.  i cleaned up cat puke (i hate animals).  i got rid of old catalogs.  i went through all the shit on my fridge.  i cleaned my kitchen (and i found a check from my birthday in april for $50!).i vacuumed some more.

and i met my new neighbor.  he seems like a nice kid.  maybe mid to late 2o's, drives a pickup truck, and apparently also has a work van (HVAC work), and his name is steve.  seems like a nice kid.  (although right now he's making a bit of noise... i'll let that go for now).

and now i am resting.  i still have to vacuum my bedroom and change the sheets, and give the bathroom a once-over, but i am starting to think that might wait till tomorrow.  i am quite tired now that i have stopped running around like mad.  and my back is twinging a little.

so yeah.  almost-free furniture all the way to cat puke.  that's a chock full post.

i think i am gonna have some coffee now.


science!!, critters, my bits, d-baggery

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