Sep 17, 2005 11:14
i made a horrifying discovery..
my face is not symmetrical. yea yea i know, VERY few people are. but im not talking a small difference. ive always known i have a crooked smile, for instance, no big deal. BUT im like 90% sure my entire face (combo of eyes, nose, and mouth) is off center! hahaha ok i know big deal out of nothing and im not actually freaking out.. but i think it really is! i wonder if i always sleep with the left side of my face down.. hmm maybe i can gravitationally even it back out with a couple years worth of nights on the right. except.. facial features dont just.. move. sigh.
so to apply for graduate school i need to decide: do you want to work with adults or kids. i dont know?!?! i always was like adults, most def. but i like the idea of working with teenagers the best i think.. just not LITTLE kids. but i think that means i like kids. and then there is the factor that my internship is totally based on kids so if i said kids i kind of have some relevant experience and maybe i could actually get in. but its the rest of my life. i could always just reapply if i get rejected everywhere... a definite possibility by the way. in 2003 pitt which is ranked like 24ish in 2006 by us news and world report accepted 11 out of 236. and most of the others have even bleaker stats. i know im a solid applicant. good scores or whatever, but top11? hmm lets go with no.
im reading dhammapada: the sayings of buddha.
i think im going apple picking today. so i did a search: what can i do with apples? because i know im gonna be like OH there is a good one. that one looks delish! another one! wait i saw a good one. and before ya know it my bag will be filled with more apples than one should ever eat.
to go home or not to go home for my birthday. ive never had a fun school birthday so i want to stay.. but its the first penguin game.. sigh. decisions decisions