
Nov 26, 2006 19:49

In what shall henceforth be known as the Great Christmas Crash of 2006, my stepdad accidentally dropped one of the boxes of our Christmas decorations. Ornaments were scattered and shattered across the floor of our garage. This was preceded by a rather loud crash, which caused my mom and I to come running. Evidently it was quite a spectacular crash, according to my stepdad.

This was a sad event, but not too bad really. There aren't very many ornaments that I was particularly attached to, since they don't necessarily coincide with my memories. And the most precious ornaments survived relatively unscathed. Except for my Baby Daisy (as in Duck, as in Disney) ornament. I've had her for as long as I can remember and she's even been broken before. The previous time she fell, it was a clean break (her head snapped off, rather disturbingly), and thus she was repaired with superglue. This time, however, she was shattered. So no more Baby Daisy. :( *moment of silence*

My Bryn Mawr ornament was thankfully in a different box. That one is special because it was the first ornament I bought for myself, and it's red (my class colour).

The saddest part of the Great Christmas Crash of 2006 is that there are no ornament stores around here. There used to be one or two that would appear in the malls along with the calendar stores for the season, but I haven't seen them for a few years now (although the calendar stores still pop up). So basically there's just Hallmark, and their ornaments are usually too cutesy and/or sappy (with the exception of the Ewoks and Green Eggs & Ham set I got there a few years ago). Hrm. Where does one get good ornaments these days?

In happier news, my stepdad put up our icicle lights on the house. They are prettyful. I love holiday lights. :)

lights, holidays

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