Yeesh, I'm getting really bad at actual posts. ^^; Let's give it a go, shall we?
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Libraryland is excellent, as usual. (Well, except for that one day, but it's all better now. ^_^) I can't believe I've been full-time for two months! AND next month is my one-year anniversary at the library (September 15th, to be precise). It's all gone by so quickly.
I'm doing much better with the computer boys at the library. They've been really good all summer (largely due to the absence of the one who was kicked out in April, I suspect). And I've been talking with some of them more. They're really pretty good kids. And some of them actually READ on occasion!
I've got a couple new fans from my storytimes. I love having fans. :) And I think I forgot to mention this earlier, but since I've started doing storytimes I've been promoted to "Miss Laura". XD I've decided that I like being Miss Laura. It's so cute when some parent prods their kid to go "thank Miss Laura". Heehee.
Now we are getting ready for back-to-school. I've already scheduled my first school visit (which I'm now in charge of scheduling). And I made copies of a bunch of back-to-school (mostly emphasizing kindergarten) flyers to go along with our display of back-to-school books. (Ooh, and last month I made a display of pirate books! Because pirates are cool. Arr! XD)
You know, I think I may have chosen the right career. ;)
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Hmm... how about some non-work news?
Well, I am saddened at Pluto's demotion to "dwarf planet". This distresses my poor little sixth-grade self, who is left to ponder, "My Very Eager Mother Just Served Us Nine ..." Nine what??? At least the only other mnemonic phrase I still remember ("Kings Play Chess On Fine-Grained Sand") should be safe. (It doesn't seem likely that they would decide to change anything about Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species.)
I vaguely remember at some point they were wondering whether or not to add Charon as a planet, but now instead they've demoted Pluto? That doesn't seem fair. Poor Pluto.
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As for my cold, it still hasn't decided whether or not it's going to attack me yet. It's kind of just lingering annoyingly on the edges of my essence. Thanks for all the get-well/stay-well vibes! ^_^ That and my obsessive consumption of various fluids (tea, water, orange juice) and Vitamin C candy things seems to be working. I will NOT get a cold! *shakes head defiantly*
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Okay, I think that's enough insanity from me for now. Ciao!