Drama at the library, telenovela tristeza, and movies!

Oct 08, 2005 16:40

Well, kids, it has certainly been an interesting week at the library. Sunday was my first day alone, and it was fine. I even remembered to feed the fish, go me! And then...

On Monday, I went to the police station to be finger-printed for my job (remember how I couldn't get an appointment for like three weeks?). It was really cool, they have this computer program to do the finger-printing so you don't have to get ink all over your hands, they just put your hands on a sensor-screen thingy. Then I worked from 2pm-9pm.

The afternoon was uneventful, and then around 7:30pm, some crazy guy started yelling at one of the librarians, saying she had cussed at him and hit him, and he wanted to sue her and stuff. So they called the police to sort it out, but once the guy figured out that no one was on his side, he said, "You're just trying to get me in trouble" and he left before the policeman arrived.

Around 7:40pm, one of the regular kids (there's a bunch of boys who are there almost every night) asked the other boys to go outside with him. Then a few minutes later, one of the kids came back and said the boy who called them out was going to hurt his brother. I waited a couple minutes to see if they would come back inside, since these boys are always "taking it outside" and then coming back in about 30 seconds later, but they didn't come back. Fortunately, the policeman showed up right then in response to the other incident, so I asked him to walk around the building with me. We walked all the way around before we saw two of the kids, who looked rather interested to see me walking up with a police officer. No one was hurt, but the brother I was looking for said one of the other kids tried to strangle him. So the police officer talked with the kids a bit and I wrote up an "incident report" for my supervisors.

Then I had Tuesday off, yay! And then on Wednesday night, the same brothers (who are homeless, so their dad leaves them unattended in the library for hours, where they hang out on the computers the whole time, and they are usually rather annoying) were being bothersome. I had to tell them several times not to use swear words, to be quiet, and/or to stop hitting each other. Then one of the brothers logged into the other's account (oh, about 99% of the altercations that occur between the boys are over this stupid internet game they all play called Runescape) so they were hitting each other again, and then ... I was mean! Not mean, but authoritative. I told them this was the last time I was going to warn them, and that if I had to come over there again I was going to kick them off the computers. So about ten seconds later they were fighting again, and I kicked them off! They complained that they hadn't heard my warning (because they continued bickering while I was talking to them!), but I just said, "too bad!" I was so proud of myself! And one of the parents of a different (well-behaved) kid said I did a good job. =)

En otras noticias, estoy triste porque mi telenovela ha terminado. =( Su "gran final" fue el jueves. Creo que las telenovelas mexicanas son mejores que las americanas porque no duran décadas sino solamente meses, pero de todos modos siempre me pone triste cuando termina una novela que estaba mirando. Y esta novela, que se llamaba "Inocente de ti", tenía mi galán favorito, Valentino Lanus (quien está en mi icon). Su cara es tan hermoso... *_* Espero que será en otra novela pronto.

Pero el "gran final" de "Inocente de ti" no fue tan "gran" porque no resolvieron unos tramas y no tenía el mismo golpe que el gran final de "Locura de Amor" hace unos años. Pero ya les extraño a todos los personajes de "Inocente". Bueno, todos menos Gabriela porque esa actriz era muy pero muy mal. Pero los otros personajes eran todos excelentes, especialmente la villana Rebeca.

Ahora ya tengo otra novela ("Contra Viento y Marea", que también tiene un galán guapo) pero no es el mismo. Pero supongo que dentro de un par de meses ya estaré adicta de nuevo. =)

Yesterday I saw Serenity, which is very cool and you all should go see it. *nodnod* The dialogue and the characters were great, and the plot was very interesting. I am now sad that I didn't watch the short-lived TV show the movie is based on because I would love to know more about the characters and worlds and stuff.

Then today I went out to lunch with Jennie and we saw The Corpse Bride, which was fun (despite the annoying kids behind us). The ending is sad, but in a nice-sad kind of way, like the ending of "The Little Mermaid" (the original tale, NOT the Disney version). Although the plot is not very deep, it is fun and there's some funny lines and stuff. Yay movies!

Whew. That was a lot of stuff. Perhaps I should try to update more often when stuff happens, so as not to have such insanely long entries.

Well, tonight I am going to see a stage production of The Odyssey, which looks to be very interesting. I'll probably write about it ... sometime.


work: sbpl, tv: firefly, computer brats, plays: the odyssey, telenovelas, actors: valentino lanus, movies

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