May 23, 2005 20:54
I am job-hunting. It sucks. ;__; All the jobs that sound remotely related to what I want to do require like 2 years of experience. But how can you get experience if no one will hire you without experience??? It makes no sense. So I'm going to apply for a few jobs anyway, and hope that my experience working in the computer lab at Bryn Mawr will suffice, even though it is only vaguely related to the kind of experience they're looking for. So I'm also trying to polish up my resume. And I swear, Word hates my resume. Or at least, it thinks my resume needs to have green lines on it. >_< I think I got them to go away. For now. *sigh* Did I mention job-hunting sucks?
Other than that, I am still working on making my room my own again, after my parents redid it. But it's cool. I get to redecorate and stuff. And I get more book space because my parents are letting me use some shelves in another room as well. It's still not enough, though. ^^; I <3 my books. And I just love being a book geek. :D
Ooh! I started watching a telenovela (Mexican soap opera XD) today. Ahh, I've missed them. They're so incredibly overdramatic that they're freakin' awesome. And they always have super-insane endings, because, unlike American soap operas, they don't run forever, usually only for about a year. I think the best completely insane over-the-top ending I've seen was where the main villainess was eaten by a crocodile after a slow-speed boat chase across the Everglades... o_o;; Plus, they also have hot guys. ^^; And they help keep my Spanish from slipping. So it's win-win all around! XD!!!
library career,
job hunting,
book geek,