Mine are all SGA fics, but if there's any room in the project for it...
I've always wanted to hear my stories as podfics, but I can't do them myself (alas). Would you be interested? http://www.wraithbait.com/viewuser.php?uid=1898 (You Like Me was done as a gift podfic for me, but the others are wide open and free!)
These two are my short list for reading by you for amplificathon: Every Librarian Has Her Day!!! HP, gen, short. (Which reminds me, I haven't done anything on the soothing HP list for you. Siiigh.)
Botany Strikes Back SGA gen, 800 words. (The one where Parrish and Katie Brown get stuck in a bank hold-up Earth-side.)
And not because I think you have abundant spare time but because you asked for fics to think about podficcing, here is a long list!
Wabbit Hunting Smallville, Clark/Lex, pg13, 1500 words. All you really need to know is that Lex Luthor is Superman's villain (which is not spelled villein, despite what the spellcheck thinks. Not that that wouldn't be a funny story.).
Snuffleupagus Supernatural, gen, 2100 words. But I'm guessing that some Supernatural canon knowledge is useful in this story so I don't know how much you'd like to read it. (In case you want it, the bare-bones background-- Sam and Dean's mother was killed by a demon when Sam was 6mo and Dean 4yrs, their father raised them whilst attempting to track down the
( ... )
I shall definitely try for the first two for you! ♥ *dance of joy*
I'm not in Smallville or Supernatural fandoms, so I likely won't do those. I knew you weren't active in them but I figured I'd put them on in case you lurked about the edges. (I tend to lurk about in quite a few fandoms which then sometimes end up becoming minor or major fandoms... I used to lurk about the edges of SGA once upon a time.) Plus, the Smallville fic has Superman turning into a bunny, which is just amusing to me.
MERLIN has already been done here. :) You are wonderful and lovely! I was so certain it wasn't recorded yet that I didn't check. (In my defense, I don't think it was recorded when I checked originally?)
Comments 12
I've always wanted to hear my stories as podfics, but I can't do them myself (alas). Would you be interested? http://www.wraithbait.com/viewuser.php?uid=1898 (You Like Me was done as a gift podfic for me, but the others are wide open and free!)
*bounces* ♥
Every Librarian Has Her Day!!! HP, gen, short. (Which reminds me, I haven't done anything on the soothing HP list for you. Siiigh.)
Botany Strikes Back SGA gen, 800 words. (The one where Parrish and Katie Brown get stuck in a bank hold-up Earth-side.)
And not because I think you have abundant spare time but because you asked for fics to think about podficcing, here is a long list!
Wabbit Hunting Smallville, Clark/Lex, pg13, 1500 words. All you really need to know is that Lex Luthor is Superman's villain (which is not spelled villein, despite what the spellcheck thinks. Not that that wouldn't be a funny story.).
Snuffleupagus Supernatural, gen, 2100 words. But I'm guessing that some Supernatural canon knowledge is useful in this story so I don't know how much you'd like to read it. (In case you want it, the bare-bones background-- Sam and Dean's mother was killed by a demon when Sam was 6mo and Dean 4yrs, their father raised them whilst attempting to track down the ( ... )
I'm not in Smallville or Supernatural fandoms, so I likely won't do those.
MERLIN has already been done here. :)
And I'll keep the other SGA ones in mind, too. :)
I shall definitely try for the first two for you! ♥
*dance of joy*
I'm not in Smallville or Supernatural fandoms, so I likely won't do those.
I knew you weren't active in them but I figured I'd put them on in case you lurked about the edges. (I tend to lurk about in quite a few fandoms which then sometimes end up becoming minor or major fandoms... I used to lurk about the edges of SGA once upon a time.) Plus, the Smallville fic has Superman turning into a bunny, which is just amusing to me.
MERLIN has already been done here. :)
You are wonderful and lovely! I was so certain it wasn't recorded yet that I didn't check. (In my defense, I don't think it was recorded when I checked originally?)
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