(no subject)

Sep 02, 2008 16:51

Today was the first day of fall term! I was not really back into academic mode yet, but I got up and managed to find a notebook (not the school notebook, as that is still missing in the still unpacked boxes, and thus all I could come up with was a fic writing notebook...) and my backpack. Wandered over to the Metro station to try to find the stop for the Uni shuttle, failed at that and had to take the Metro, finally made it to campus and found the room, where I sat around for fifteen minutes wondering why there weren't even any other students there yet. Then I ran up to the student services office to see if the room had been changed or something, but no one knew anything, so they sent me to the computer lab to check my email in case the prof was sick or something. Upon checking said email, I discovered a nice message from the professor saying that we are starting class next week. Because, see, I remembered to check the online schedule this morning to verify the room, but totally forgot that I hadn't checked my school email in about a week.

Haha, I am stupid. *headdesk*

Thankfully, I had a couple errands to do on campus, so it wasn't a total waste. And then I took the shuttle back so I could figure out where the actual stop is by my apartment (which is in a sekrit parking garage-why can't they mention that on the shuttle map??), and stopped at Office Depot for a power strip with a flat plug. Said power strip cost me $26(!) (after having just paid ~$7,000 on my credit card (for tuition, not for anything exciting even), mmm credit card debt).

And now I am doing laundry and contemplating the further unpacking of my room. It'd be a lot easier if I had been more methodical in the packing stage. Because I've run out of hangers and have no idea where the rest are.


ischool, getting from here to there, money, unpacking

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