Done is officially good!

May 24, 2008 10:09

My Management prof finally posted the grades! I can stop not-quite-panicking now!

I was very close to panicking because the TA had already sent out our scores for the final and I kind of bombed mine ("bombed" for me being a C ... okay, a C- *sobs*). Which is not good when you need a B to pass the class. I also did horribly on participation so that wasn't going to save me, and my team presentations were decent but not stellar (though we did get full marks on the final presentation). Basically, this class was the antithesis of any kind of learning situation I do well in. (Which, not to brag, but I am a good student, so that's kind of hard to do. But seriously, the final was multiple choice. In graduate school. WTF?)

But I somehow ended up with a B+ in the class! I suspect a curve, since I heard a few other students talking about not doing so well on the final, and I'm pretty sure that's the only thing that could have saved me. In which case, thank god for curves! Because I passed and I don't have to take that stupid class again! \o/

So, to conclude, I can breathe again. It is a glorious feeling, breathing. :)

ischool, done is good, school: finals, grad school

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