What, I ask you, is cooler than waking up and peeking out your window to see snow on the ground and more falling? (Okay, well, I suppose waking up and peeking out your window to see snow on Christmas might possibly be cooler, but I've not yet had that experience since I go home to Cali for Christmas.)
SNOW! *happy dance*
*is five*
(Actually, five would be my "snow age", as it were. Four years at Bryn Mawr, two years off, so this is my fifth year with snow. Hee.)
Although it does make the commute a bit more troublesome. For instance, today my first bus was about 45 minutes late. Fortunately that bus stop has a shelter, but I was still rather cold (my toes were froze!) by the time the bus arrived. While waiting, I amused myself by watching the snowflakes because OMG snowflakes are so cool! (See? Five.) I love it when they're actually flaky instead of just tiny flecks, and they were delightfully flaky today. I watched them melt on my sleeves - it's fun to watch them burst into bits of water instead of snow, it's kind of like popcorn. You know what else is cool? Snowflakes in my hair. They look really pretty caught in my hair. I wish I could wear snowflakes in my hair without them melting away within a few seconds. Ooh, I'd look so pretty.
Okay. Enough childishly gleeful (or just plain weird?) snow ramblings.
So. The first bus was 45 minutes late, the Metro was okay, and then I just missed the second bus. I left a message for work saying I'd be late and then dashed into Starbucks for a chai (bliss!) before the next bus.
When I finally got to work (only 40 minutes late because I normally have a half-hour leeway on non-snowy days), there was a note on the door informing people that the Image Collections staff were all caught in icy traffic and to please come again later. I managed to find all the light switches (woo!) and then took down the "no staff" sign since I was there, although I'm not actually able to help people, but we rarely get visitors anyway so I figured I could at least be friendly and sort-of helpful to anyone who showed up.
I was cold and alone in the department, but I had new Nantucket podfics thanks to
the_oscar_cat so I was perfectly content. (Because, dude, podfics are like the coolest invention since ever. ♥)
My coworkers finally made it in an hour later (just in time for lunch!). They each had been stuck in traffic for about three and a half hours(!). (But, I said to myself, at least they were in their heated cars the whole time and not sitting around outside for 45 minutes.)
The commute back was not as bad, even though it'd been snowing fairly steadily all day. So I am now back in my room, safe and warm.
One last cool thing about snow: footprints! I love making footprints in the snow. I don't like it when there's messy footprints all over, but when it's just me making footprints in unbroken snow it's so neat! Also (I may have lied when I said just one more thing), I prefer snow when it's falling. When it's just sitting on the ground getting dirty, it's not as nice. Besides, when it's falling, then there are snowflakes and I swear I'm not going to start up about snowflakes again, so I'll just be quiet now.
*scampers off like a snow-bunny!* :D