What better way to spend a rainy day than watching season 1 eps of Stargate Atlantis? (What's that you say? Homework? Psh. It'll get done. Someday. Hopefully before it's due. *shifty eyes* Homework just doesn't get done on rainy days. I blame the rhyme I've had in my head every rainy day since first grade: "Rainy day, shady and gray, / Time to stay in and read and play." Read and play. Not "do homework". :D?)
Anyway, I watched "Home", "The Storm" (appropriately for a rainy day), and "The Eye". Except I had to go to school for a few hours between "Storm" and "Eye", boo. Because even though I know that of course everything is going to be okay, I was still worried. XD
"Home" is a freaking amazing episode. It's so cool how all the things that aren't quite right are really subtle, so I was kind of unsettled but unsure why, like the characters. Very awesome and very well done. Once I caught on that there was some weird mental thing going on, though, I totally called that John's buddies were going to be the "dead giveaway", as it were. :P And I liked the misty beings. That's a cool idea. (Also? The first thing Sheppard wanted to do with Teyla on her first visit to Earth was go shopping. Oh John. ♥)
"The Storm" and "The Eye" were more of the traditional outwit the bad guys type of episode, but still very cool of course. And it was so hott to see John running around being all stealthy and tactical and stuff. ♥ Plus there was lots of rain and thusly lots of gratuitous sexy wet boys shots. Hee. :D And I liked the rescue!team with Ford, Teyla, and Beckett. Though I'm already sad knowing that half these characters leave the show in various unhappy ways. :(
So much love for this show. ♥♥♥ It's got action and intriguing sci-fi stuffs and hot geeky boys and a kickass girl and all-around fantastic characters and witty dialogue and just so much WIN. Seriously, it's been ages since I got this giddy about a show. Very YAY!