that is an actual header from some software documentation on the computing website. XD!
i am at work. i am bored. i am cold. it's freezing in here. ;__;
nothing is going on. the usual Saturday night. the only thing that's happened is one of the printers started making a weird noise like an unhappy printer. it sounds like something is loose inside it. but there's no error message or anything and it's still printing okay, so whatever. ooh! also, as you may or may not remember, during finals last semester i made some signs featuring PGSM and put them up in the lab. and tonight, someone recognized them and was like, "hey, that's from the live action Sailor Moon!" coolness. i also read some of my Spanish homework and it made me mad 'cause people suck. oh and the computing politics on this campus suck too. they don't support student organizations at all. which is lame 'cause the yearbook deserves some support, i think, since we're making a production for the school and hence need to use computers and technology and stuff. i could understand them not wanting to support the knitting club, for instance, but i think the yearbook deserves at least some support. my co-editor and i are mad about the lack of respect for the yearbook here. grrr.
hmm, i am also attempting to download some stuff while here. it seems to be working, but i think they changed the security settings over break so everything's really slooooow now. ;__;
last week was pretty crappy. well, it could have been worse, but it just wasn't a very happy week. i think about things too much. *sigh* hopefully i'll do better next week. i have my first thesis presentation on Tuesday night. and i'm supposed to have an outline and an introductory paragraph or two of my thesis for Friday. oh, and my second thesis "advisor" isn't very nice. after asking my primary thesis advisor (Professor Roberts), i got the impression that the second advisor pretty much plays whatever role they want, so they can be a second advisor or just a proofreader. and my guy apparently only wants to be a proofreader. annoyingness/sadness. i would prefer someone else who i could actually discuss the texts and ideas with. maybe i got the wrong impression from the email though. i haven't actually met with him yet. since he indicated that he doesn't want to meet with me until i've given him something written which he can ... proofread, i guess. fuuuuu... >.<
wah! it's cold! *shiver* only half an hour until i get to go back outside into the colder coldness and then back to my room where i can sit in front of the heater to thaw out.