In memory of my very first best friend - Fiona Chia 謝冰冰

Nov 27, 2010 22:34

I probably played my first badminton game with you. I definitely had my first rollerblading session with you. In fact, those were your rollerblades, because my mum adamantly refused to let me buy blades then. I remember we used to play badminton at the void decks and you were great at rollerblading. Oh yes, and the Nintendo games at your place at Blk 127, Sonic The Hedgehog was the most frequently played.

We spent a lot of time at your place doing project work. You were never stingy  to share and I'm sure everyone you know can testify to that. We were such great buddies that even your younger bro was like my bro as well. Kenny still remember me; though I wished we had never had to meet each other again under such circumstances. I can feel his grief, from his love for you. But he remained strong. So don't worry, I'm sure he'll take care of the family.

On that fateful day, Danil kept calling me when I was in a meeting with my new boss. So I missed the call once and l let it continue ringing once. But something was amiss as Danil wouldn't ordinarily call me so urgently. So I texted him asking what's up and he demanded I return call. So I stepped out to make the call and that was when he told me you were gone. I didn't know how to respond. I think my brain and my heart all didn't know how to react. I said, "Ok, what happened?" All I could reply was ok followed by ok. After the call I went back to my meeting and ended my day as per normal. I even had dinner with another best buddy because I felt I needed to share this with someone.

But 冰冰, the impact of the news of your demise kicked in while I was driving home. I cried uncontrollably while driving home. I couldn't understand why you had to be taken away so early in life?!! I hated myself for being unable to recall so much of our shared past because more than 10 years have passed. You brought many of us back into contact with one another but I wish you were there with us.

I knew sending you off would be extremely hard but it was something I had to and wanted to do. And I did.


My dear friend, rest in peace...

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