I've got a feeling everything's gonna be alright

Jan 12, 2006 19:47

Woke up today, helped solve a mild crisis in the church office, posted on my livejournal, wrote an email to Gov. Winthrope asking if she wanted to walk this afternoon after my Paleoclimatology class, went running, showered and did not shave. I almost shaved, but decided against it because I thought I'd probably not see Gov. Winthrope today, or if I did it would likely be in a situation where I didn't NEED a smooth face. I figured tomorrow would be much more likely that we could intermingle so I'd just shave Friday morning (I don't really like to shave two days in a row).
Today was my first day of classes. It was kinda scary. I went in my Biochemistry class and their were 4 people in there. I was surprised. Biochem is usually a larg classe, i thought. I asked a girl that Fred sort of-ish likes why there was no one there. She said, "Because this is BioChem II. Not many people take it after one." ...pause... "Ohhhhhh" I said. I then walked out of the class and broke out into a run to my advisor's office thinking "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I have not had BioChem I. I'm signed up for the second part. I might be in trouble. I get to her office and there is a note on the door saying she'll be out until Jan. 16th. Great. I get back to class a minute or so before the professor walks in. He's a weird looking fellow. Older, balding, with a thick goatee that goes from the bottom of his lip and sticks out past his chin, it's quite a tangle, close to the width of his mouth but not quite. He has a large bushy mustche that is curled on the ends. He was wearing a faded red t-shirt with the sleeves cut off that exposed two hairy and not very well toned arms, though when he wrote on the board and reached up you could see that he had well defined pectoral muscles. Anyway, he wore bright red sweat pants which were pulled up over his protruding belly, a good three inches above his belly button at least. Two inches of white socks showed and his shoes were a new pair of grey and black new balance running shoes. Those looked nice. The lecture itself was not as interesting. Some of it I didn't remember that well from previous classes, though much was simmilar to organic chemistry. I asked him after class if he thought I'd be allright in the class with out having had the first BioChem class. He asked what had I taken. I told him I'd made A's in both organic lectures, genetics, and cell biology. He said i should be alright then. We'll see.
After that I went to biology main office to ask about how I applied to graduation. Apparently i have to go to Clarke Hall. I'll do that tomorrow. I had about 15 minutes before my Environmental Geology class so I went and got two packages of crackers for lunch. I ate those on my way to Smith Hall. I went in and shortly learned that I needed another book for my lab (we're getting to learn how to use GIS!!! I'm SUPER excited! HAHAHA!!) as well as some sort of hand held device that uses a radio signal to take quizzes, attendance, and perahps exams. I bought my books off-campus. They didn't have any of that stuff with it. I'll go to the SupEStore tomorrow and buy that. I think it all comes in a single packet. I'll take back the other book i bought afterwards. The lecture today was dull. We learned about the formation of the universe, solar system, world, and got to the Holocene (humans have showed up now). Yawn. Oh well, if I actually learn how to use GIS it will be worth the boredom. :D
I then went to my Paleoclimatology class where I found out I was not taking Paleoclimatology, but Climate Change. That doesn't sound as impressive. I'm a bit disapointed. The only difference is that the former focuses more on how to discover what past climates were like and this more simply presents the findings. We only spent 15 or so minutes in there though. As class was being adjurned Gov. Winthrope called me. I called her as she was leaving a message and then she called me back. I met her at Riverside and she let me in.
She had interesting news. Apparently the Bearded Wonder was being driven around in my car this afternoon by Pastor Foot (who i let borrow my car b/c his is sick)... I thought that was a little odd. Next Gov. Winthrope told me about a black guy from the Highlands (University appartments across the street from Riverside) who came up to her and started talking to her... essentially remarking that Gov. Winthrope is "young, grown, and sexy" and that he wanted to holla' at her sometime. She felt very uncomfortable... as did I. I don't 'preciate no 'count punk ass bitches trying to spit game at MA meuf. No really, I don't. At the same time though, I don't blame him. Gov. Winthrope is a bad chick, no doubt.
Anyway, I got to hear a little about the sewer problems Gov. Winthrope's house has and the stress it causes her parents. It seems like a lose, lose situation. I won't get into details here, but as far as I can tell the best thing to do is either move and cut your losses (knowing you can't sell the house) or pay to get put on the sewer line. I can see why Gov. Winthrope doesn't like being at home all that much. After Gov. Winthrope talked to Cash Money and I talked to Trinity's secretary we went to Moody Music Building so Gov. Winthrope could buy a ticket to a MLK tribute concert that she's having her residents participate in. I looked at the flyer and i bet it will be pretty good. I then drove us down to the Black Warrior and we walked along the river walk. It was pleasant. Gov. Winthrope is such good company. She has a soothing personality and yet can be playful and is always fun... I really like that girl. :)
We eventually decided we were hungry and would go eat after discussing the benefits of a society without men. I started in on the biological problems of it (sexual reproduction has many advantages over asexual)... I don't think Gov. Winthrope ever told me WHY it would be better to have no men around. Hmmm.I'd like to know. Maybe I'm just supposed to read "Her Land" and find out. Anyway, we drove by McDonald's to confirm it was closed down (and boarded up!). We then went to Wendy's. Gov. Winthrope got a frosty, fries, and Jr. Hamburger. I got a spicy chicken sandwich, fries and water. We had to hurry so i could get back to the church to open up Quirkey's. We got me back in plenty of time. I invited Gov. Winthrope up to look at my turtles (really, that's all i had in mind :D). All the lights were out and Winkin was missing. I eventually found him sleeping behind the vaccuum cleaner. I put him up and hugged Gov. Winthrope goodbye. We had a shallow kiss or two, but nothing more pasionate... apparently b/c I tasted/smelled spicy like my sandwich. It was true. I'd been warned- Gov. Winthrope told me about how her mom wouldn't kiss her dad after he'd eaten spicy food and when I said I was thinking i'd get the spicy chicken sandwich she said "oh?" gave me a look. I thought she was disapointed i was picking chicken over beef and I thought the story about her parents was to show how her mom was ridiculous (b/c there was a story about scented lotion problems that showed how her dad was ridiculous). Hmmm. Oh well... guess I won't eat spicy food anymore if I'll be around Gov. Winthrope. That's alright, I'd MUCH rather kiss Gov. Winthrope than eat any one type of food.
Anyway, I got back to the church in time to open up quirkey's but I didn't have time to get my bookbag, jacket, and bike from Gov. Winthrope's place. So all of that is over there. Gov. Winthrope told me she'd bring it by Quirkey's if (1)there was a good cake down here and (2) if Fred was here (b/c she likes him better than me). Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth her while to bring me my books.
Now I'm in Quirkey's... alone. There's a pecan pie and an orange pound cake with me. I don't think that will cut it. No fred as of yet. Once(if) he shows up though maybe I'll call her and ask her about the cake. Maybe I'll tell her it's an M&M cake and see if that helps, then just put a bag of M&Ms on top of the cake.... that might work. we'll see.
Anyway, I got an email from Dr. Rostal of GSU. He needs to know an answer by the end of February so he can get permits for me ready by May 20th. Where is the time going??
Well, I'm going to attmept to be productive... with grad school stuff I guess, since i don't have any materials to use for my classes.

Tomorrow could be fun. Buying books, getting audited, eating lunch with Kentucky and Gov. Winthrope (possibly) and hopefully an empty night to spend with the Gov.
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