Jun 13, 2003 12:22
time to make a real entry? maybe so.
today was the last day of school, and i didnt go, cause im still sick. BUT i just called mr palacios to see if he'd be my senior mentor.. he wasnt there, so i left a message.
i got a shorter bar for my labret.
i turned my tongue ring upside down cause the little groove was cutting the roof of my mouth (since im sick, it affects me more).
i pierced my ear again.. on the right side.
i restretched my ears (just to a 14, nothing amazing).
i cut my hair.
i stretched ky's ears a little bit.
and thats about it.
i would have done john's if i had more jewelry.
im going piercing crazy again.
i wont get my eyebrow done again, cause i already know my body rejects it.
and i wont get my upper belly button done again because i already have a scar.
i think i'll get my lower belly button.
and i want to pierce my tongue again. should i pierce the front of it? or should i take out the middle one, let it heal, then get two next to eachother? i want that.
i want plugs, too. i need a taper, I NEED A TAPER. nathalie needs to give it to me.
i want to stretch my tongue again, though. to an 8. (if i dont get the double piercing) or a 6.
and i want more done to my ears. as of now, i have both traguses, 5 6 on the left, 6 7 on the right... (i was corrected tonight!) how do i not even know? haha.
i need MONEY. christ. i need a swear jar or something that i can put money into all the time.