It's very warm outside right now, and gray, and dull, and mucky, and muddy.
I'm re-vamping the studio, getting some necessary things done.
Like, re-sealing the floor, dealing with the 'ca-ca paintings', stretching canvas, moving things around, and dealing with the abominable lighting issue. ugh!
I told J about my recent solution on the lighting issue.
He responded with something like, "yeah, that would work...for about a week. Then you would find something wrong with that lighting."
Ha! He knows, that for me (and for most artists) that the quest for "perfect" lighting is a daunting, life long, sickness obsession. task. ;-)
I think I'm going to proceed with my plans, that were already implemented. In regards to the issues involving ebay.
Now, that I've had time to cool my temper, and crunch numbers...even though I really do not want to support the corporate f*cks, who make it increasingly difficult. It's still a good game to play. :-/
...and besides, if the current feedback issue, does go into effect...I can always close up shop, take my toys and go somewhere else to play.
Other stuff....
*We are going to see Van Halen this weekend, woot!
I'm also going to buy tickets for Kid Rock...but that won't be until March.
J requested that if I really wanted to go to Kid Rock, I *really* need to get the tickets, soon.
He did not like the price we paid for the Van Halen tickets...because I waited to long to buy them. lol.
Of course I justified the price by pointing out, that we don't EVER do ANYTHING fun.
*It just started pouring down rain.
*The squirrels decided to stash their walnuts, in the birdhouses we have on the property.
For the last few weeks, they have been chewing these big holes into the sides of them, and trashing the houses.
A bunch of bluebirds showed up last week, I watched them fly around to the various houses. Like they were house hunting. I was sooo thrilled to see them! I love me some bluebirds, and it also means that the dull, gray coldness of winter is almost over, yay!
Anyways, I took this pic of a couple of young birds, contemplating this 'fixer upper'
Back to work....