Me: (staring at monitor, with deer in headlights look, having massive brain fart)
Child: "Whaaaaat?"
Me: "Commme heeerre!"
Child: (Slouching in door way with the ever popular 'I'm busy doing absolutly nothing, so what in the hell do you want now' look.)
Me: 'Name this painting for me...please"
Child: (Rolls eyes, makes big sigh sounds) "Mom, I don't waaant tooo, you know I haaate doooing this.
Me: (giving child, 'name this painting or feel my wrath, look) "Just think of something"
Child: (Deep heavy sigh, sideways slouch, and....rolling eyes)
"Why? I'm no good at this, and besides, it's just some clouds and trees"
"Just some Clouds and Trees"
36x24 Acrylic on canvas
click here for more info. Ha! :-)
On with the babble....
*I need to share some photo's with you folks, since I've shot about 14872000 in the past week or so. Managed to get some seriously beautiful shots of the sky over a 2 hour period, including a rainbow, a fantastic sunset, and the moon. It was just one of those lucky days, when everything just came together. By the end of the 2 hour period, I was squatting in the bushes, (only place to be, to get the shot I wanted) drinking a beer and shooting with my left hand. hehehe...wonder what the neighbors thought of that? ;-)
I'll be showing some later on this week.
*J. just gave all three dogs a bath, they were very stinky. Maybe next time, when they decide to whine and fuss at 5:30am, and wake me up, they will think twice about it.
Since I'm sure they are looking at having a bath as some sort of they always do.
*My child had a sweet sixteen par-tay, friday night. The DJ was really good, and all the chil'rens had a good time. J and I were on our best behavior. I only did a few silly dances, and J only sang karaoke one time. ;-)
*Since I was up so fecking early this morning, I put in a nice long amount of time, in the studio.
Where I proceeded to paint nothing but....complete shit.
I knew I was headed down the endless road of turd, and instead of stopping, I continued on.
Even picked up a painting that was 99% done, and shittied that all up.
One of these days I WILL learn to stop, when I start seeing craptastic emerging on the canvas. Instead of getting caught up in this vicious cycle of trying to re-deem/fix the crap. :-/
*My truck is parked sideways in the drive way, right now. I think I'll start parking like that from now on, just for giggles.
Hope all is good with you all, the sun is out and warming your smiles, and the gods/goddess have blessed you with good beer, better food, and great laughs.