New eye candy, just added to my ebay store.
"In her other life"
Acrylic on canvas.
Click on pic for information.
My other life...
After a week in hell...yes I have the burns to prove it. ;-)
I'm glad this weekend was....eventful.
My truck is home, all fixed up and looking pretty!
Writing the $500.00 check was no fun, but at least it's back and fixed.
Etsy did not launch on friday...because as I was finishing up the last little bit of work.
Jackson Hound dog decided to stop breathing.
I don't know if he choked or what, but it was terrifying and I ended up slamming him down on the ground and giving him CPR.
He's fine now.
I took Saturday off....GASP!!!
J and I decided to go into town, and just loaf around for a bit.
It was nice, and I didn't even feel guilty about not painting.
I wore my new jeans and got my pretty on, when J. (who usually sees me in boring work clothes, or grungy paint rags) saw me he said...
"Damn baby!"
Yeah, I looked hawt. lol.
Shot some pics today around the property, some are for a new series of paintings I'm itching to start on. Some were just for fun.
J. caught Ziggy Tipps trying to crawl up the brick on the outside of the house. Ziggy chased a chipmunk up onto the roof of the house and was proceeding to do all that he could to catch it.
We brought Ziggy in and the chipmunk was spared it's precious life.
My etsy store stuff is scattered about on my dining room table.
I'm looking at Wednesday as the new launch day.
I got an email from an "art warehouse" in China, they are offering
"100% hand painted paintings" at "super discounted prices"
The email mentioned how easy it was to start a business selling "their authentic and quality masterpieces" on ebay.
Yeah, ok....Fuck off.
Oh, and speaking of email...I've won the UK 8 times this week.