After years of living in the south. I have a confession to make.
I can not brew a decent batch of sweet tea.
I know some of you are reading this and shaking your heads in disbelief.
I know I should be able to do this by now, but the art of brewing up sweet tea has completely escaped me, for the past 7 years.
I recently discovered that there were a few more ingredient's to a good sweet tea, besides water, tea and sugar. I will try to brew some tea up using these 'secret' ingredient's and hopefully will redeem myself. If I can not master sweet tea brewing, I will be kicked out of the south.
**I've been painting my ass off for the last week or so. I did manage to take one full day off. Woot!
All of my painting callouses are back, and I'm back to using masking tape to make a temporary wrist brace while working.
I switched from using linseed oil to poppy seed oil, and it's much better. Especially when you get it in your eye, up your nose, or in your mouth.
**We have our very own fern gully in our back yard. We (J) had cleared out some underbrush and trees last year. We now have at least a few hundred ferns growing there. I have no idea of how they got there, or why they decided to show up now, but it's kinda cool.
J cleared a front area out this weekend, he lit it on fire and got all the dead stuff out of the way. I'm curious to see what will suddenly pop up. There's a flower bed in this area too. I have no idea what they are, but am hoping it's something pretty that will actually bloom. No lily's have bloomed yet, but I did figure out that we have Easter lilly's in one of the front yard beds. We have lots of flower looking plants popping up all over the place, but nothing blooming and I will not know what they are until they bloom.
I did manage to plant some gladiolas a few weeks ago. I planted them alongside the walk way to our front door. The last gladiolas I planted in TN grew horizontal instead of vertical, and I'm really hoping these don't do that, or we'll have to use the back door.
Most of the mystery flower looking plants look similar to the gladiolas only they are smaller. Any ideas?
**One of the big walnut trees got infested with some type of larva, the squirrels took care of it in a matter of days. Including trimming off the really infested branches, and eating all the larva off the leaves.
The will not tolerate any thing messing around with their walnut trees.
They will throw things at you if you are standing under it trying to take squirrel pictures too. I should make a sign for them, that says
"Do Not F*#k with the walnut trees"
**Figured out that most of the birds nesting in the houses, are eastern blue birds. They are so pretty. I did not know what they were at first. I told my mom what they looked like and she busted out one of her bird books and told me what it was over the phone. Go mom!
Ok, enough babble from me. I spared you all from the 34567 pics I've taken in the past day or so. But I will be posting some later on this week. Including some close ups of some really huge, and rather righteous spiders. They are not as intimidating as Juanita was (I don't think there will ever be a spider as intimidating as she was.)but they are rather wicked in their own way.