Feb 02, 2003 21:46
There's a statue in the cemetery that is located in Middletown right before whippoorwill road called "dancing Jesus." I've heard many stories about weird stuff happening such as the statue moving or dancing, the face melting off, and black mass floating over the graves toward the statue. I never really bevlieved anything was abnormal about the statue, and to prove my point I decided to try and take a picture of it, and if it really was as sinister as everyone said, the picture either wouldn't come out or it would capture something odd.Me crystal and jim got a camera and took a trip to the cemetary. Just as we had pulled through the gate and my jim pushed the flash button her car started bucking and thrashing! The wheel literaly felt like was pulling it from left to right. We freaked and turned around. As we went to pull out, I let my foot off the brake and barely tapped the gas pedal and it felt she had just floored hercar! As we drove up the road towards the highway it still felt as if some force was tugging on thewheel up until the second we pulled onto the highway. After making the turn my car turned perfectly fine. I guess someone, or something, did not want us taking that picture. That was som freaky shyt!