Apr 12, 2009 15:19
I dislike how people try to act as if they know everything about me when they simply don't.
I dislike how people try to judge me accordingly to their own assumptions about me, or accordingly to my blog.
I write what I like to write- which obviously includes my interests, what I want to write.
I just think that there isn't a need to blog in a way to suit others' tastes/ preferences.
Anyway, I know there are quite a number of people who like to brag talk about their achievements.
(Be it through blogging or in real-life)
But I, fortunately or unfortunately, am not such a person.
I don't like going around informing everyone about what I've been doing/ what I've done.
I thought certain things are just personal, and need no sharing.
Well, and when I don't tell the entire world everything about myself, it doesn't mean that I do not have the ability to have any achievements.