You are an idiot. Pull your head out of your ass and email your daughter. She is pregnant with your grandchild and wants to know that her daddy loves her and cares about her well-being. There are no "lessons" to be conveyed here. Nothing at all will be gained by sharing long-winded philosophical navel-gazing with her. She will simply think that you are a loony who cares only about himself.
Please, for all that is sacred, do the Christian thing and show your daughter some love and consideration. Our children inevitably disappoint us, but that does not make them unworthy of love and acceptance.
Oh, and Fuck You for being a pious asshole in the first place. "Intellectual Christian" my ass.
* * * * * *
Context can come later. Suffice to say that my sister has been defending her father to me for many years since he became sober. I am all for accepting that people can change. However, it's my understanding that part of AA is making amends to the people you have harmed with your addictive behavior. Somehow I don't think that passively spewing 12k worth of philosophical bullshit at your kid - via Cc line, no less - after six months of silence will get any kind of point across.
Charlotte has me, which is great, but it's not a parent. We already lost a huge chunk of our family through inheritance drama and other crap. It would be nice if we could drop the posturing and self-importance for a change and focus on being more loving. Me, I do my best to practice what I preach. If my failure to do that 100% makes me a hypocrite, then so be it.
For now I have a migraine to nurse. Trying to read the flood of typos and hyperbole on her dad's Facebook page was painful, even at a larger font size.