
Aug 03, 2008 22:36

I returned from my vacation on Friday evening (in case you're wondering, I spent a week up at the North Sea with a few friends - it was great!), the first day of one of Germany's biggest anime/manga convention: the AnimagiC which has been taking place in Bonn (where I go to university) for a few years now (used to be in Koblenz, 'bout' an hour by car). I didn't by a ticket (because it's horribly expensive) but since it was practically around the corner I went anyway, if just to look around from outside and meet people.
And meeting people I did. I have been drawing KaKAO cards for a while (if that's nothing to you, that's alright, but maybe you heard of ACEO? Beasically it means art the size of a trading card that you can trade or sell) and some people had a place prepared where we could sit, draw, trade and talk cards. XD I met someone I instantly got along with, bought four of her editions (prited cards as opposed to originals) and had an overall great time.
Now I don't know about other countries, but many anime fans in Germany have this thing called a Con Hon (a combination of convention and hon, the Japanese word for 'book'), a liitle book you hand around for people to draw or write into (mainly draw). Of course, anyone who can draw somewhat better than stick figures gets hunted by con hon owners like prey (they're merciless!). I never possessed a con hon of my own and never much liked to be asked to draw something, because most of the time I couldn't do what people ask for, or at lest not well (say they'd ask for a girl, I'd mess it up because I can't draw girls). I fixed that by not asking anymore: I just drew cute fluffy tigers and foxes and dragons. XD And people liked them!
So in the end? I spent two days, from ten in the morning till late at night (!) drawing in con hons and just generally drawing and talking. And it was fun.
There, I said it, I think I will have to officially stop hating con hons now. ^^;; We also drew cards for each other and I got a very pretty one for myself. ♥

conhon, animagic, convention

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