(no subject)

Nov 21, 2004 00:01

so umm..

long week..finally a break.

damn its already..sunday! ahh!

So today i got up did all my stuff so i wont get yelled at by the motherrrr....then at about 430 i started heading out for adrians...i was getting into the car with my frustrated fatherrr *who was mad about me not wearing enoughh clothes* when adrian calls says "wait! dont come yet!" Got out of car, found out i HAD TO GO THEN or i wouldnt at all. so arrived at adrians and he came anyway. Called Jerrica found out Sarah was NOT there. Had a HELLISH time getting there my dad is way too impatient. argh. Was 10 feet from house and i told him where to go but he kept yelling about the wrong street. Jeez. Had to drive ALL the way back to my house and start from there. Finally found the lovely jerrica, found out sarah so ISNT coming grr...she had to go to the hazen play cuz her sister was with her. o.O go figure. Went to jack in the box, my dad finally dropped us off. Ate there, i met some of my hazen friends who weere astonished *and angry* that i would go to the liberty play rather than the hazen play. Then grabbed some hot drinks at starbucks. Took a 40 MINUTE walk to liberty...was scary and cold and DARK. Foolish Adrian left out the whole have-to-walk thing.

Finally, the play (A MIDSUMMERS NIGHT DREAM)! it was a huge line even at 7! even though the play was at 730! Closing night i suppose. Jerrica lost two dollars and then we headed in. Took seats..not the best, but pretty good. The play itself lived up to liberty expectations. Im glad i reviewed the entire play in 9th grade, or i would not have a CLUE of what was goin on. But i did, so the play was very amusing to me. TINNAAA was great! She is an awesome actor and really had a feel for the part. Them liberty kids got talent! And for the first time, a high school play that involved actual kissing! Good job Tina, that Demetrius guy has it for you. Tina seems to live her parts well as dramatic characters (only people ive seen her act as). And enjoy it! which makes her good, yes? yesss. But other than TINA *the star* i met keri there and umm..yeah. THe play itself was very well directed, and good thing it was INTERESTING. I suppose the many hours/days/nights spent there were well worth the time used!

I wish i could have seen both plays, but Liberty was well worth the time. At the end I threw a rose at tina. It hit her in the..legs. That was a strange end to the evening. Came back and played Halo 2

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