►Update on Wingu's Life◄

Jul 08, 2008 21:00

YES, IT IS I, COME TO POST FROM A LAND ONE CAN ONLY DESCRIBE AS ENGLAND. Yarh, I'm bored. >x> And I suppose I haven't updated since the Prom (which was almost a month ago now, omg!) sooooooo. Here I am. :3

Anyhow, awesome week was... well, as awesome as expected. XD Except minus a 360, since it broke. It's all better and has come back now though, yeay for Beautiful Katamari~ But yeah, here's a round up:

Monday: XD Yeah, nothing happened. I was just going 'WHY ISN'T IT TOMORROW?' and then eventualy 'OMG IT'S TOMORROW TODAY' at around midnight. XD

Tuesday: (We only got to see one film since Indiana Jones was the only one with a good review.) Met up in town with Grace, Rosie, Phil, Michael and Adam (Well, Phil, Pat and Adam were already in town and we had to go follow them since they avoided us at first like always.) and walked to the cinema. XD On the way, the guys were like 'There's some Monks from Scotland who will try to talk to you down here, cross over!' so I did, and kept walking before Adam shouted to me, and I blinked, looked infront of me and reaslied there was another one and quickly turned away. XD We went the long way round towards the main road, then the guys started singing random songs again. Phil was demonstrating how, at the Proms (see later notes. XD) he should just sing one note, bow and walk off, and as he bowed a guy beeped his horn! We were like 'OMG, ACE TIMING!' and stuff.

So yeah, when we got there (XD new paragraph..), we went to the arcade in 10pin Megabowl for a bit (I went on DDR after playing Phil at Mario Kart, Pat and Adam played Time Crisis 3 and Grace and Rosie watched. Then Pat and Adam played pool, in which we all watched. Pat won.) before heading over to the cinema. Grace's mum got us free cinema tickets (<33 Thank you~ XDD That let Adam buy a game... Anyhow.) so we just went in, gave them in and watched 'Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull'. Before this time, I had never seen any Indiana Jones films (I know, I lead such a sad life...) so I kept having to ask Grace what some bits ment. And then... THE JANITOOOR FROM SCRUBS APPEARED. Adam was the first to notice, but (even though I was sat right next to him) I didn't notice until he spoke and I was like 'OMG IT'S THE JANITOR FROM SCRUBS' and Adam was like 'YEAH, I KNOW' and Grace was like 'Whut?' and we were like 'IT'S THE JANITOR' and she was like 'Oh.' XD Yeah, anti-climax there. I'd reccomend the film, it was pretty good.

So after thaaaat, we went to go eat at Frankie and Bennies. Whilst waiting for a table, people were talking about the film saying like 'They put Aliens in it? ALIENS?' and I was like 'Urm... I've never seen any, so I've got nothing to compare it to' and so on and so forth. We ate, eventually. I forgot how spiceh the chili's were, and Phil was like 'RIGHT, EMMA. GIMMIE THOSE CHILLIS. I'M GONNA EAT THEM ALL IN ONE GO' (Well, not like that exactly.) And so... he did. XD He regretted it a lot. So yeah, we paid, waited outside and then I left. :3

Wednesday: XD FINALY, ONTO WEDNESDAY. We met at school at normal school time so we could rehearse and stuff (Me and Grace did lighting and sound for Adam and Phil, Rosie was backstage), and then we left after school. Yes, we went to school for a full day when we didn't need to. XD Well, Adam and Phil did, since they were playing Guitar in assemblies that week. So anyhow, we came home (-one Rosie, she had to go let her sister in), moved the chairs, got the duvets out, set up my TV and played on the Wii for a bit. Well, me and Adam played Wii Sports (Tennis and Bowling) and then Adam played Golf. Rosie appeared at this point, and we got Wario Smooth Moves out. D< Grace and Rosie didn't play, so it was just me and Adam again. XD 'NOOOOSEEE'. Yeah, if you don't own the game, you won't get it. If you do, you still might not get it. Anyhow, after putting that away, we proceded to watch the obligatory Ross Noble (A Different 'Randomist' gig), then a bit from the Mummy, then parts of two Indiana Jones Movies. Urm... I can't remember what order the next bits really happened in, but I'll give it a shot.

I think we got Domino's Pizza next, then we tried to watch Muppets Treasure Island, but the DVD didn't work (Adam and Grace were most upset, Rosie was trying not to sleep at this point.) I think there might have been a movie inbetween, but I can't remember what it was... Urm... Anyhow. XD EVENTUALLY, my mum came down and was like 'Don't stay up too late.'

Thursday: Bit late for that. We did contemplate just talking for a bit, but then we thought better of it and stuck the TV back on. We all kinda changed positions to watch Scrubs season 6 so we didn't fall asleep/make too much noise. Adam fell asleep at one point, and kinda did some wierd leg spazum, and my mum came back down to come get us to go to bed. (; 3; I wanted to watch the 'My Musical' episode, but Adam wouldn't let us. XD) So, after getting Adam awake (pretty easy, I just kinda rolled towards him.) and going upstairs, we stayed up for a little longer. We texted Adam for a bit before he fell asleep (he was in the computer room) and us three (Me, Grace and Rosie) stayed up all night - even though my mum came in to tell us to shut up at about 4am. XD

Anyhow, we got changed around 7.15am and went downstairs to make Cheerios (we heard Adam's alarm go off from upstairs - 'Sir Digsby Chicken Cesar Theme' FTW -  before he came down.) whilst watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air. In which we all knew the lyrics to. WE LOVE RETRO TV. So anyhow, we eventualy went back to school, watched Adam and Phil perform (again) before we all went back home. IT ABSOLUTELY CHUCKED IT DOWN WITH RAIN. Grace and Rosie had hoods, so they were okay. >x> Me and Adam on the other hand... Had very wet hair. XD I got changed (me shirt was soaked...) and we dried our hair with towels (ROFL, Adam's hair made me laugh so much.) before going back downstairs. We 'watched' LOTR (I kinda tried to sleep, but people kept waking me up to watch bits) and then Rosie had to go let her sister in, so the rest of us (Me, Grace and Adam) watched Scrubs before they both had to go. They helped my tidy up a little bit though, so that was good. I kinda... slept on the three duvets for two hours, which was a big mistake (XD After being awake for 36+ hours) before having to tidy up some more.

Friday: I don't remember Friday, but we didn't do anything. XDD

SO YEAH. THAT WAS AWESOME WEEK. :3 And now... I can tell you about the Proms. XDD (I know what you're thinking, 'PLEASE GOD, NOT MORE RAMBLING... GOD NO.')

So yeah... The Proms. (Not THE Prom, but The PROMS) Me and Rosie were only really supposed to be... *cough* dancing for Adam and Phil (With Grace and Muntaha) in 'One' (From A Chorus Line), but I got roped into doing a Triangle solo for Community Choir and we both got roped into singing 'Mr Blue Sky', 'Fix You' and 'I only want to be with you' in choir, as well as doing 'Rule Britania' with the other year 11s. We met up at period 3 (11.05am) for a choir, 'One' and 'Rule Britania' rehersal. XD Choir was fun, Mrs Lane was like 'COME ON, SAY LIGHTS~' and we were all going 'LIGHTS~' from Fix You for aaages. So, whenever you see me go 'Lights~' when I flick one on... you know why.

AND THEN, SOMETHING AMAZING HAPPENED. WHEN I WENT HOME, MY DAD HAD DROPPED OFF SUPER SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL. OMG I WAS SO HAPPY. <333333 XD (I've unlocked all the characters now, apart from Wolf. 5 TIMES HE'S BEAT ME. 5.) But anyhow... after that, I got changed into my prom dress again and got my mum to take me to school. Grace was there, but she was practicing, and Phil was looking for Adam, so I went to help him (whilst trying not to fall over in my heals) and found him. In his Kilt singing Bond Themes with the rest of Community choir. XDD Laura laughed. :3 So anyhow, then Rosie came in with her new dress (WHICH I TOTALY DIDN'T TAKE A PICTURE OF, OMG.) which was very pretty~ And then went to go have a quick choir rehersal, before we waited backstage.

Got a little nervous, but we eventually got on stage. I can't really remember what order everything was in, but I remember what was important. XDD

First was choir ('I Only Want to Be With You' and 'Fix You') and then Muntaha's Solo ('My Immortal'), and then the bandy stuff... Eventualy it was community choir, where they sang this wierd song about Mozart (Sung to the theme of some of Mozarts' piano stuff) and then 'American Trilogy' in which I had my TRIANGLE SOLO. ...Okay, I just hit it once at the end, but yeah. XDD Karen is so insane, I'm so glad I don't actually do Community Choir, I just got roped into it. I won't go into further details. XDD

So yeah, the other Year 11 girls (Emily - played Saxophone, Becky, Muntaha and Grace) sang 'All That Jazz', and then (eventually, XD) there was an interval. There were WHITE WAFER BISCUITTTSSS. Not as good as Pink ones, but still good. Got a couple drinks, and then we were back on. Choir was 'first' singing 'Mr. Blue Sky', and then it was Grace and Elenor singing 'Me and My Shadow'. <333 IT WAS SO CUTE AND COOL AT THE SAME TIME. 'You're so Jazoo~'. AND THEN. IT WAS THE DREADED HIGHLY ANTICIPATED ONE. Of course, Adam and Phil sung very well, we just danced at the side. AND I SWEAR, WE GOT THE BIGGEST APPLAUSE AND THE MOST LAUGHS. WE ROXXXORZ. *cough* But yeah, there was some wierd song with three kids in, more community choir, more band stuff... and then the end with 'Rule Britania'. Mrs Moss Speach, standing ovation to Mrs B and Mrs Lane, and then backstage for photos~ (I MUST HUNT ADELE DOWN FOR THOSE PHOTOS. :3333)

And thus, the night drew to a close. Adam went to Scotland the next day, and life went on. Kinda boring after that... And now, I must bombard you with more writing. XDD Just a little MeMe/Survey I stole.

1. The phone brand?
♥ Nokia N70
2. What are the last 3 digits of your mobile number?
♥ 061

3. What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?
♥ XD Urm... 2nd newest is - 'If physics beard teacher is like Millington i will die. I dont want to like the teachers too much though coz we know them for even less time.' From Adam, and 2nd oldest is - 'Never mind...just got told my grandparents are coming 2moz so the cinemas off. Could always go without me of course.' From Adam again. XD I don't even remember what we went to go see at the cinema that time, but that was at the begining of the year... hum... XD I really can't remember.

4. Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?
♥ Mitsuki~

5. Who's the last person you rang?
♥ Adam. XD BY ACCIDENT AT HALF ONE IN THE MORNING. I was like 'Whut, I called you? Didn't mean to.' (I sleep with my phone in my bed. :3)

6. Who was your last missed call from?
♥ My Dad, probably. XD I don't keep phone call logs, since I don't use my phone for ringing people.

7. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?
♥ My Dad is the only D I have~

8. What does the last message in your inbox say?
♥ The latest? Urm... 'Sorry, was talking to Laura and she distracted me. Im goin out for a meal now so ill text you later on if you'd like.' from Adam. (He's in Scotland right now, that's the only reason were're texting so much.)

9. Who comes up under J?
♥ Jayne, Jayne's Parents and Joji-sempai~ :3

10. Go to your Sent Items - what does the 10th message say?
♥ 'Yeah, it's really... really far away. Ah well, more time to chill/earn money for games. XxxxX' To Adam, talking about how far away college seems.

11. Who's the 4th person who comes up under S?
♥ XD I don't have anyone under S.

12. Who's your network provider?
♥ Orange~

13. How many messages are currently in your inbox?
♥ 898. XDD BUT THEY'RE FROM ALL YEAR. And... that's not all of them, some of them are saved in folders/been deleted... (I'm such a teenager. XD BUT I HAVE FREE TEXTS.)

14. What do you have as your background?
♥ A picture of Billy (Ginger Kitteh~) all curled up with my Kyou plushie, which I just kinda put there. XD

15. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under R?
♥ :3 I have no-one with R. XD

16. Who do you have on speed dial 3?
♥ My Mum, but I don't really use it. >x>

17. If you're on Pay as you Go, how much credit do you have?
♥ £9.22, but I have 30 free text messages left. (XDD OMG, I'VE USED 570 FROM 16TH JUNE ALREADY?? XDDD)

18. Who's the first person who comes up under C?
♥ :3 Again, I have no-one under C. XD

19. How many bars of signal do you currently have?
♥ 7~ :3 Full Signal~

20. What do you have as your main ringtone?
♥ Urm... This song that my friend had programmed into her Sony Ericcson called 'Give Me A Call'. XD It's ace, but no one ever rings me, ; 3; (GOOD.)


[Silver stars to Joji-sempai, and Gold Cookies for anyone who got this far without cheating. XD]


l: long, a: proms, e: meme

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